Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why OPEN doors when you can avoid that entirely?

Just thought I'd show off my awesome skills for ya'll. ^_^

Friday, July 17, 2009


I saw this even covered on the CBC, at work. What you don't see in this video is that as the hearses passed through town, people had flowers they put on the vehicles, and in the road in front of them. Hundreds and hundreds of people, dead silent, placing flowers and just witnessing.

Some of the people from the town talked about their traditon, here.

Monday, July 6, 2009

"...like icy lightening down your spine!" "What does that even MEAN?" "I dunno! But I like it!"

We've been having a lot of lightening lately. Generally at night, in a shocking turn of events. Also, I am trying not to develop a grudge against rain, given that it has woken me up somewhere between three and four by drumming inexorably over my head, three nights running. (My head is right under the eaves.)

This seemed far more profound and interesting before I posted it.

And my title is a conversation from a dream. Yes, I shall drink my tea and go back to work now. Cheerio!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I accidentally stabbed myself in the foot two weeks ago. This is regrettable and all, but it's pretty much healed. Except for one stage- the itching wound. I can now say with authority that itching feet are right up there with erratic strobe lights/sirens as The Most Distracting Thing Ever.


"I love a good cup of tea. Now there's another thing you know about me. We're practically friends already."

As of last night, my High-School-Graduating-Class now has three states of being.
One person is Married.
One person is Engaged.
And, one person is Single.

(For those of you who are wondering, yes, my class- if I use the loose interpretation of "class," consists of three people. With the narrow definition, there is one person in my class.)

I'll let you guess which state-of-being I fall under.

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