Monday, August 31, 2009


I have internet back.

A blog post must be written to celebrate this.

Tragically, I have nothing more to say. *cough* Ummmmm. It's my birthday next week! I hold out hopes for cake and coffee.

*tries to think* Speaking of coffee, I should get some more. GREAT IDEA, SNAZEL.

(And it seems like all my friends have friends or relatives in the hospital, which is weird.)

Yeah, I definitely need to practice blogging more often, I have no skills! No skills... *goes off to make coffee in a bit*

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Walking along MY sidewalk.

When I was little, I thought that the big parts of the sidewalk were for adults, and strollers- a road for strollers. Then you had the road for cars, and in between you had the road for little people. I.e, me. For the longest time I only remember walking along the curb, heel to toe.

Even now, I still think ~My Sidewalk~ before I think ~Curb.~ (And yes, I still walk it instead of the "big" sidewalk.)

It's funny how little assumptions can change the way you think about the world, even something as simple as curbs and sidewalks.

Monday, August 17, 2009

For those who say there are no omens....

On the day I was born, the number one song in the US was Sweet Child O' Mine, by Guns and Roses, and in the UK it was A Groovy Kind Of Love by Phil Collins.


Yes. No further comment on that one....

Also, according to this picture, my Dad and I have the same facial expressions. The world is just lucky I choose to stay inside most of the time. That's all I'm saying. ^_^

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Initiate hyper-enthusiasm- GO!!!!!

I suppose I should finish talking about the life changing fall out of the concert before I move on, eh? WHO'S WITH ME????


Right. *cough* Yes, I do not have enough coffee in my system to manage Hyper-Enthusiasm, so I'm just gonna spare you all the eyeball-bleeding that it might induce in the unwary audience. Plus, it might make my head hurt. So yes, *dials it back*

Just read everything else in this pose in a soothing whisper. *nods carefully, so as not to jostle tender brain tissue*

The concert was lovely. ^_^ I traded half my hearing for a hat. But- the hearing came back, while the hat stayed with me, its new owner. I inspire loyalty in inanimate objects and senses, clearly.

Then at the after party- which I totally attended, have I mentioned that? I'm connected to the industry, after all. *smug* It was announced that A Life In Liberty had won the EP. You can listen to a sample of their previously recorded stuff here.

*pauses while you listen*

*lets you repair your eardrums*

Yes. I think the music speaks for its self, don't you? So they're going to be hanging around my house for the next month or so.

I feel like I should make a witty and/or smart remark about RAWK STARS here, but I will instead defy convention, and refrain. Good for the soul, restraint. Oh, and Cachet, being all underage as well, was invited to participate in the Janeway CD as well, raising money for our provincial children's hospital. You can see a sample of them on stage, with really abysmal audio, on youtube- here. But it gives you a sense of it! I actually am really excited to hear them in the studio, because that's the kind of music I can enjoy recorded, as well as live. And they were pretty great live, too. :D Did I mention that little guitar player buddy played with his teeth? And behind his back? And blindfolded? Yes. That is my weekly quota of awesome, right there. :P

I think, that's all I have to say right now. Those bands have both shook on coming to record, which is dramatic and gives me a conversation starter with my friends on the mainland. "Hey, have you heard there's a Metal Band living in my basement?" *grins*


Friday, August 14, 2009

Blogging while in a car, it's a gift.

Starting with my traditional opening, I keep meaning to blog! And then I don't. Too bad I don't have the mental download thing set up yet. I should get on that....



No seriously, there have actually been things happening lately. Last, hmmm, Friday, I went to a Concert! A Rock Concert! Yes, for real. *nodding* Also, in case you're scratching your head in mystification and trying to picture, I wore my work clothes, including heels. Now you're really concerned....

I have made an earth-shattering discovery. When one is at a four hour concert, after working for seven hours, one should not wear one's uncomfortable shoes. Especially when one is prone to standing at a concert, for the aforementioned four hours. I mention this for your eternal edification, because I am A Merciful Person. Also because the next day I had to sit on my feet for eight plus hours to heal them, which COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. Yes. Bring shoes that are sensible to stand in.

Or, you know, sit down. But who goes to a concert to sit down? NO ONE WHO WANTS TO WIN FREE HATS, THAT"S WHO. *looks at what she's just written.* I seem to feel strongly on this subject. Life is an eternal voyage of self discovery.

*cough* Anyhow. Yes, concert. Music. Bands. Kick drums which you feel in your chest. *happy smile* Sadly, there weren't a lot of people there. When one family can double the size of the audience, perhaps it's time to reconsider your marketing plan. Granted, this is MY family, but still. *tsk*

The first band that came out was a Praise And Worship type group, which is cool, you know, if you go for that kind of thing. I, personally, do not, but hey, do what feels right to you. Good on ya, men (and a woman). And most of the audience, seemed to like it. Which again, good on ya, man. *thumbs up* I kinda danced around on my toes and watched my little siblings alternate staring and headbanging, which is something worth getting out of bed to see. So that was that. Next Band, plz?

Then Dan Bursey, who is awesome in his own right and was serving as MC, came out and gave away t-shirts and magnets and hats, and sundry awesome things. See, people? If you had been UP FRONT, you could have won a wonderful trucker hat from a local gym! DON"T WASTE THESE OPPORTUNITIES. While Dan was giving away FREE SWAG, the next band was setting up. I'm watching with tolerant interest, expecting more Pentecostal Praise And Worship. Then the lead singer comes over and says "Hi, everybody. Um, we're an instrumental progressive rock band. Prog metal, atcually. We're, uh, not like everybody else, hope you like it."

I think my reaction was somewhere along the lines of "YEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH", but I could be mistaken. They were named Cachet, and were deadly. *happy smile* I have decided I like prog metal. They put on a good show too! The guitar player played blindfolded, and behind his back, and with his teeth. (No, not all at the same time. Give the boy a break, he's only 16, he has to have SOMETHING to aspire too.) I will say now, that I voted for them. Oh, did I neglect to mention this? The audience voted on who was the best, and the winner would then get to make a 6 song EP, with Bulldog Records. That is the studio that shares a building with my house, for those of you who are CRIMINALLY UNINFORMED.

Then after Cachet, here comes A Life In Liberty. They have long hair, so I'm hopeful that this is also not Praise and Worship. Well, then they announce themselves as Metal Core. They have a "vocalist" who screams for 45 minutes. They head bang floor-to-ceiling in unison. What do YOU think? *grins* While this is not strictly my style, I like lyrics to be discernible, they're still awesome live. And again, they're all under 18. The drummer is 14. What is with that? When did I start going to concerts and feeling old? Oh wait, for me that was age 12. My bad. *cough*

My hair is still longer than the bassist, who is named Hammer- no joke- but only by about an inch. I fell it is important to share this important piece of info with you. Aren't I considerate?

Oh, and then after the guys who obviously drink energy drinks via IV, that is the only reasonable explanation for their actions, on came another group! Sanctified, normally the most HARD RAWK of any concert they attend. They made a nice mellow ending for the evening. ^_^

Then we tallies the votes, and A Life In Liberty won the EP! *waves a cell phone* I did not actually do the tallying, I should make clear, which was good, because I had lost of my hearing by that time, as well as being unable to stand up- blame the shoes- and tired enough that my eyes were evidencing a tendancy to point in two directions at the same time. I'm gifted, I know. In addition to my savage rock-concert skillz. *gang signs* You know, when you're as white as I am, acting as gangsta as I do kinda brings irony to a new level. Hyper-irony. Post-irony. Meta-irony.

I should wrap this up and let you all go back to more productive pursuits, like checking facebook.

Here, have some quotes!

Dan: "I was actually in a rap group once, a christian rap group. When I was 13, in Toronto. Hey, I'm an overweight white kid from Newfoundland, it's only natural! Yeah. We all went to the Metropolitan Area Church, so we called ourselves M.A.C. Hammer. Yes. It was bad."

Dan: "Does anyone know where the Ride Cymbal is? Joel has stolen the Ride Cymbal, cause I made that joke about drummers. I'm sorry Joel! I didn't mean it! We love you, you're a great *chokes* Musician!"

One of the LIL parents: "We'd like it so that you can actually hear the lyrics, you know? So we don't have to download them to figure out what is being said?"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Here, have some internet!

There are lovely links which you should follow. ^_^

How trustworthy is television?


And this is the photo-blog of a lovely, talented girl who is undergoing treatment for cancer. You should all follow her. *nods* And comment on the pictures, because they're wonderful.

"I've got a home in Glory Land that outshines the sun..."

Wow, I have not blogged in far too long. Shocking behavior.


This has been, however- (see, I have an excuse! More than one, actually!) -because, I have been, um, writing. *cough* I'm trying to finish the story I started in November, which has been devouring all my free time, most of my brain cells, and what little sanity I have left.

I know, none of my family has been noticing a difference. Hush, you.

ALSO (see? Two excuses. I am really on a roll.) my life hasn't lent its self to blogging lately. I just haven't felt about ranting about the weather, and I haven't felt like it, and it's all about me after all, let's remember our focus here! *trips on her super-inflated ego and goes headfirst into the doorframe*

Ohh, which reminds me of blog-able happenstances that have been occurring lately. *clears throat* First of all, the other day I was feeling very tired while talking to Fraulein and her friend from Alberta. This led to me turning around in the middle of a sentence and walking through the door. Only it didn't' quite work out like that... I wasn't awake enough to juggle the complicated tasks of both walking and talking. Though technically it wasn't the walking that was the issue, it was the direction-finding; I walked into the wall. You see, we have a bit picture window, and a french door, and in between them there is a little strip of wall about eight inches wide. That's what I found with my shoulder, knee, hip and glasses. (Fraulein and Cohort thought this was hilarious, of course.) Worryingly enough, the part of the wall that my glasses found was actually a nail that was sticking out of the wall, right at eye-level. So that little jolt of adrenaline made it possible for me to make my way over to the coffee without further incident. :D

Then last night, there was another jolly occurrence! I demolished part of a staircase by accident! (!!!) That sounds much more exciting than it actually was, in truth. Though I will say, in all fairness, that when it was taking place I thought it was quite remarkable and note-worthy. You see, we have a big porch, which leads down to a little back stoop, which leads to the ground with four steps. Now there are three steps.
I stepped on the outside of one, and without preamble or warning screeching, the nails all came loose. So I discovered with extreme interest that I was falling sideways and down about 18 inches. When you are not expecting it, 18 inches is a long ways. Also, heavy-duty steps that have lived through 15 years of hard wear are heavy. Particularly when one is juggling them in the air with elbows and the outside of ones knees. But through my exemplary injury-avoidance skillz I evaded the actual nails, stashed the step under the stoop with my habitual grace and poise, and limped inside to twitter about it.

"Wow," you are all saying right now, "why am I still reading this?" And to you, I say, "I don't know. Perhaps you haven't had your coffee yet? Perhaps you also have walked into a wall one two many times?" ( I left that typo in deliberately. Nhya.) "Perhaps you are stalking me? There are all valid options that should be given due weight and consideration. Some other time. Also, coffee."

Coffee. *makes loving noises at her mug* I can always count on you to make my heart soar.

I have been getting up at 6 am three times a week. Voluntarily. And with a minimum of griping. Or at least, actual violence. It happened in this fashion.
My commute to work, on foot takes about three minutes, in heels. So for the past year, getting the majority of my exercise from walking to work has resulted in, well, not exercising. You think you're out of shape? HA! I was getting winded walking across the living room. And, yeah, that's kinda, not a good thing... So I was vaguely thinking that I should exercise. ~You know, some other time- not now. No, right now I am doing Very Important Things, like seeing what has happened on facebook in the past 2 minutes. ~ Then Mommy and Daddy started an walking routine in the early morning, and Fraulein perkily joined in. And she invited me. With diabolical angelic timing, she invited ME to come along just when I was in the midst of one of my vague musing sessions. It is not wise to ignore divine signs that arrive with such cursed excellent clarity. Who am I to argue with the working of fate? (I know I was juggling terms and metaphors there, hush. I am too lazy to go back and fix them. Plus, you're reading this voluntarily, aren't you? Yes? No one put a gun to your head? Good. Hush.)

We've been walking around a pond that is encircled with a boardwalk. It is very lovely. Especially in the rain, which chases the bees into hiding. But when one is wearing cheap canvas shoes with no traction, it polishes the soles of said shoes into a fine gloss. When the person wearing wearing such glossy-bottomed shoes is walking with perfectly appropriate haste upstairs to check her email is me, and I step on a slick tile floor with water on it that I most likely dripped on it from my hair after walking in the rain, and I'm kinda walking sideways because it's a sharp angle to turn, well, you get the picture. Certain bones take the chance to become closer to the floor. Because, after all, what to we strive for in this life if not closer relationships with our fellows? If you're a hip bone, you should introduce yourself to floors whenever possible. It's just polite. *nods firmly*

I just wrote a blog post about ways in which I have injured myself in the past week. I am so talented.

My fabulous life in Microcosm! No really, it's called Twitter. Good train, you should get on.

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