Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today I came home from work and set about making cookies. While doing so, I realized that one of my little sisters was recording a story on a cellphone for her school activity, and another little sister was threading a loom.

Let's just say we're tolerant of ALL levels of technology. :D

Friday, May 14, 2010

No way/ Not me/ What you got/ It's not for me/ You'll find a way.

I just desperately do not understand what makes me tick. I find things I think I enjoy, and then I blink and I hate them so much it turns my stomach. I find things I think I hate, and then I blink and I'm in a better mood because I have to do them.

It's like my emotions are ENTIRELY disconnected to any external influence. SO AGGRAVATING. Or maybe tragic? Maybe I should cry over this. Or be stoic. Or alternatively, I could laugh!


In other news, this is a very cool stop-motion video.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Commercials are epic.

So, at work there is a television that is playing all the time. It's mostly there for clients to watch when they're in line, but when the branch isn't busy I get to watch it. "Get to" watch the Weather Network and CMT.


Those of you who know my personality know that the fact that I now almost enjoy watching CMT is an example of how chinese water torture repetition can be used to break people even change one's music preferneces!

ANYWAY. *cough* I also get to watch commercials a lot!

Like this one.

*quiet whimpering* I had to go find that, and then I had to hear it, and now I'm gonna go curl into a ball and cry now, please. TOO MUCH REPETITION. MAKE IT STOOOOOOPPPP....


Okay, so there are many commercials. Some are terrible, and frankly, should be burned. We should find all the copies and code, and burn them. Publicly. With great rejoicing. But there are also good videos among the sludge! I indent to use the rest of this post to share some of the good ones. :D Enjoy!

Er, just skip the last ten seconds.


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