Sunday, February 10, 2008

"I pass the test"

In the past few days, I've found out that my sister Frauline is possibly going on a trip to England, and by brother the Piano Tech, aka PT, is possibly going to Dubai. Dubai! That is so cool! *dances in a circle, grinning madly* "
See those people, those people over there? I'm related to them!"

Also my presentation subject for Dr. Patrick is quite interesting, (Language Games, specifically acquisition and syntax). This is good, given that I may present it on Tuesday. I had resolved to present it before Reading Week, thinking that meant next week. However, I recently looked at the calender and realized I was off by a week. *sheepish* I still really want to get it done before Reading Week, but I'm not quite sure if I can pull it together in time.

*hears Winston Churchill in back of head, "Never surrender"*

I'll see what I can do. Dr. Patrick is a scary professor to give work to, cause you're never quite sure what he expects. I was cringing madly over the paper I turned in during December, but then I got an A-. And I was expecting to fail, it seemed so flimsy. Maybe he'll have mercy on my lack of scientific knowledge?

In other news, I'm making a rhubarb crumble, as my craving finally overrode my distaste at Paying for rhubarb. Also, we're going to the symphony tomorrow.

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