Sunday, March 2, 2008

Travel plans and other blessings

I found something exciting! There's a bus pass offered through greyhound, 750 Canadian for 60 days anywhere in North America! I'm determinedly not making itineraries yet, but that still looks really excellent, especially since the only equivalent on the train was 709 American, off-peak, for only 30 days. Bus travel, here I come!

*train of thought is shunted onto another track*

I know I've been griping lately, and if you were the recipient of one of my rants, I'm sorry. I get stuck in a mind rant, blah blah blah... The truth is, I am blessed. What follows is incoherent, I just wanted to get it out.

I have a marvellous large family which loves me. I get to have 11 family members! Not everyone can boast that they have full fledged fan-girls waiting for them at home, and I have 4. *grin* I have two adorable little brothers who are too cute for words, and want me to read to them. I have a little brother who makes me so mad, and laugh so hard. I can't wait to see him grow up, it's gonna be a wild ride. I have sister near my age who makes me laugh so hard; a ray of sunshine in human form. I have a little brother who I am proud to see pass me- he's an inspiration at age 17. I have parents who are not only still together, which is a rarity nowadays, they are an example everyday of what Love really is. My parents are the strongest people I know. They face adversity on a remarkable number of levels- with a laugh. Their faith is incredible.

And then there's my extended family. Four direct family members who have signed up to put their lives on the line for their country! How can you not be in awe of that? I have Grandparents who walked into the jungles of Africa as missionaries. I have a cousin who wakes up every day and goes into battle with herself. For goodness sake, my entire extended family is an inspiration on one level or another!

I have been given an marvellous education which has left me interested in the whole world. That doesn't sound like much, but to even be given an education is something many girls don't get. And I've been given SUCH an education. How many times did I read that encyclopedia set? Talking about world politics at the dinner table. Explaining weather patterns while washing dishes. "It looks like you're going to be doing the accounting." "You're smart, figure it out." Graphic design. Sitting through a full year of my jumping-down-holes stories. Theology in the living room. No doubt that I could run my own business at age 11, and then subtly subsidizing it. Letting me listen in to the adults' conversations, which are always more interesting. Applied math- we renovated a house! Just teaching me to see the spectacular beauty of the world around me. The world is so beautiful, on so many levels. Not hiding the darkness of the world, but showing me that there is light too. (even if "you're so far down they have to pump in daylight." : )
Showing me the humour in every situation. Making me fix the window. I could go on for a very long time, but I'll stop now.

I've been given the opportunity of this year of study. I haven't even made it through the whole year and this has taught me so much.

I have friends who have seen me at my truly bizarre, and they still willingly sit next to me. No one even blinks when I come downstairs wearing a dress and pants, or a necklace in my hair. The pencils and chopsticks did give them some pause... "That wasn't a full-on drape, this is a full-on drape." Heh heheh. I'm not going into any more memories, you know them, and they'd be totally incomprehensible to anyone else.

People notice me, in a friendly way. I didn't know that happened before this year.

*deep breath* I have high-speed internet access, on an actually nice computer. *grins* I have been spoiled in terms of computer access at home. Despite living out on the edge of nowhere, I'm used to high-high speed access, and really nice powerful computers. This computer, while not what I'm used to, is actually- decent. It's better than a LOT of people have. Okay.

I've seen the world. I've lived on two continents, three countries, seven states or provinces, and 14 houses, I think. I saw castles before the age of four, and I travelled internationally before I was three. I was given the travel bug before I could read. That's something not to be taken lightly! *BIG grin* I think I could live in most places in the world. Suburbia might be hard, but I think I could get through it.

I lived without a hot water heater for over a year. How many people in this country do you know who can say that? 'Nuff said.

I get to write stories. I get to play with the language. I get to make people in my head and put them on paper. It's my drug...

I get to argue with people on interesting subjects. Free will, anyone? Define your terms!

I live in a marvellous, paradoxical, logical, fascinating, frustrating, beautiful, messy, full world. I live in a place where I am allowed and encouraged to follow what I am good at. I am surrounded by funny, intelligent, interesting people.

I get to live.

1 comment:

Bahnree said...

"Did you just make that up?" ;)

btw, fyi, jsyk, if you ever need a guide or some tips for How to Survive in Suburbia, just let me know.

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