Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reno(vation) Pics!

End of Day One

End of Day Two

The stress seems to be having an effect at this point. Notice Slonner's charming nose decoration.

End of Day Three

End of Day Four

End of Day Five!


Bahnree said...

Fun pictures! I need to meet your family someday. :D

But I totally forget what you're renovating the room(s) into.?

Snazel said...

You do need to meet my family. :D

We're laying radiant heating in the floor on the main floor and the studio, and switching the position of the kitchen and the bathroom, and finishing a room in the attic. :P

Kemendraugh said...

Your house is pretty leet. Thanks for the pics! But srysly, girl. You seem incapable of getting BEHIND a camera :P ^_^

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