I'm overcoming my lack of interest in text-blogging with some photo-blogging! Hurrah for me! Ahem. Anyhow, here are some pictures. Enjoy.
(Yes, that is an imperative. *angelic smile* Why do you ask?)
EDIT: Oh, wait, it seems you might need some explanations. We were running a Carnival, with Booths, in the Living Room. (See? You get to see my Living Room!) Proceeds went to the Family beneficent fund, which this year goes towards feeding PT. Just so as you know, last year it went towards getting me home from College. :D
Lizzy ran the Blocks Booth, where for a ticket you could build a tower.

Sammy was the main frequenter of that booth, at least in the beginning.

Notice the purse? Yes, that is Sammy's, and it contains many pennies and tickets. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

Geo ran the hair styling booth. She was very well prepared.

Slonner poses with the make-up...

Geo works her art on Little Sister.

Little Sister has her eyes done!

Slonner supervising, again. :D

Beauty is serious business!

The sign was starting to be tired, but we propped it up none the less.

The Block Table experiences a resurge of popularity.

Sammy finds a hiding space...

... in a box full of bears and Slonner.

Still Life With Apples And Jugs.

Slonner gets done over.

Geo waits her turn.

It's Fraulein! Isn't she pretty?

And there's my MOM, who is just lovely on every level. :D

And... my little brother, who decides to lug around the long-suffering cat.

Fraulein- an action shot.

Lizzy's strike.

those are great pics :D very fun. And, you have a family beneficent fund? That's such a great idea!!! :D:D:D fun times. What other booths were there, besides the makeover and blocks ones?
We had make-up, hair, hand painting, blocks, bowling, basketball, ipod-ds (very popular), and lunch. :D
awesome!! wow i wish i had a bunch of young things to do stuff with. :D
I heart your family. And carnivals. Good picture blog, lovey.
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