Oh, and about a month, or a month and a half ago, I saw this job in St. John's (Town, for those who don't know,) and it looked like an amazing job, that I'd love... But I didn't have accommodations, so I didn't apply. Then, a few weeks after the job closed, I was offered accommodations in town. OMG! But I didn't have a job. Then a job came open, and I was offered TWO different options for accommodation. Clearly, God wanted me to move to Town. I applied. And I didn't get the job. Clearly, God wanted me to stay here. ;) So now I'm staying in town (notice the small "t"), for the foreseeable future. And we all know how far I am able to see... (that is, not at all, for those who don't know. :D)

Yes. I had the idea that I was going to say something profound about this, but that is not going to happen. :D I thought a plan was obvious, but then it wasn't. I should mention that around here, Everyone either goes to Town, or somewhere on the mainland. It's just What You Do, leave home and go to where SUCCESS is. I think I was in some measure thinking in that way, and assuming that Of Course I'll Go, not because I really wanted to, but because that's What You Do, so Of Course I wanted to. (I feel like I'm reading A. A. Milne, with all the capitals.)
But then, thinking about actually possibly moving, I realized that I am quite content here. :D Even if it does not provide me with exciting blog material.
Yep. *nods* Staying here. I think. Maybe I'll move to Japan instead. You never know. *nods again* And, um. Yeah. *cough* *nods again*
Silly Town! NO ONE NEEDS IT!
Move to town!!! oh what a time that would by. Besides, there's no one here to make sure i don't get into trouble.....
Hurrah RileyS has an account! Hurrah! *celebrates*
Wait, get into trouble? o.O
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