Monday, November 2, 2009

Only we can make sorting socks so epic.

So, I have nasal congestion and wisdom teeth coming in. This charming combination has managed to remind me how very unpleasant I am when I am in any sort of pain. Basically I get bitter, angry and vengeful, particularly when I can't get my way, e.g. get to sleep right NOW.

So, if I yelled at you, shared privileged information, accused you of being the problem with the Western World, blamed the absence of someone else on the internet on you, and/or growled darkly at your fabulous wordcount, I'm sorry.

It's my teeth's fault.


However, my lack of ability to sleep did result in me getting to watch the Amazing Race, which proved that anything a man can do, sometimes a woman can't do- (*gulps*) and proved how hard it is to count bells. So yay! And today my teeth are just fine, so I can whine, moan and whinge about my nose instead. This sounds like a wonderful plan, yes?

On to work and then to figure out what novel I'm writing for Nano! Go me!

I really am sorry. *contrite*

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