Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"You're actually dripping oil on the floor right now."

So APPARENTLY, not everyone likes the smell of orange oil all over their Customer Service Representative. This was pointed out to me at work. While I was in the process of ripping apart an orange with my bare hands. As one does.

So I was instructed to peel my orange the "normal" way, with a napkin and a spoon, so I did not actually touch the objectionable orange oils.

Dude, I nearly gouged my eye out. Twice. Peeling an orange with a spoon is NOT EASY. I just thought you should know that. ^_^


Kemendraugh said...

Hah! Oh, I know. I usually start it with a spoon, and then use my hands. Because it's too HARD to do it any other way!
Normal ways are BORING.

Bahnree said...

Dude I hate the smell and taste of orange. Trufax. I didn't eat them as a child because of that, which makes me peeling an orange (in the kitchen for kitchen purposes) HILARIOUS. I guess everyone figures a 21-year-old doesn't need orange-peeling lessons.

Snazel said...

@Kem: I never even knew that anyone COULD peel oranges with a spoon! I thought it was on the level of carving someone's heart out with a spoon!
@Bahnree: Heheh. Heheheh. *imagines hilarity* You just don't like citrus, do you?

Pine Cone Boy said...

Prior to reading this post, I was unaware that any other method of orange-peeling existed apart from using one's hands and one's hands only.


Snazel said...

@Zack: You should try using a knife and a fork and a plate. It's like- orange peeling for the fanatically fastidious.

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