So with the information that is available to me right now, it looks like there are three job options once I'm done with my BA.
- Go on, stay in school, write and teach.
- I'd probably be writing more in terms of research than in terms of fiction, but I think I'd like this option. I like teaching (I think maybe?) and I definitely am fond of school.
- This is the option I know least about, more research is required
- Write Fiction.
- Not a high-income life, and not something I can get a job in right out of school. There would have to be some lean years in there while I work on my craft. But I love writing, and people tell me I'm good at it.
- Am I good enough to publish, and take the many many rejections that come with this job? Really, only time will tell.
- Join the Military.
- Despite my lifelong fascination with the Military, I'd never really thought I could make it in that job. Then, like a lightening strike, we (my family) realized that I wouldn't have to be an infantry officer to join the forces. Because to be honest, I do not think that is where my strength lie. But there are other jobs, and a few of them sound really, really, REALLY interesting. Plus I wouldn't have to worry about money OR wardrobe any more. *beams at everyone*
- I'm not exactly sure if my strong interests and talents do fit into the jobs that I find interesting. More research required as to what I like to study.
So where am I? These jobs all sound interesting, but they all have one thing in common.
I really can't decide yet. :P
Especially with the military, I am truly between two minds in a way I rarely am. I look at the job, and then I look at it again, and then I see the part about sports training, and then I see the part about leadership, and then I see... it goes on and on. *head implodes*
Therefore it seems the most prudent thing to do would be to go to school under my OWN steam, (weak cheer,) and after I know what I like in that field, and how good I am at it, I reevaluate. ^_^
I look forward to the news that renders this post entirely invalid the moment I post it, as news has a habit of doing.
*foams at mouth*
I am a Snazel Fan, therefore I will cheer wildly whichever option you choose. :D
And I will beam and hug you and we will eat chocolate in celebration.
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