Thursday, April 3, 2008

"To dance wildly in a sideways manner, to imitate a crab."

Well, it's finally arrived. The time when I have so much work LOOMING over head that I can't think about it all at the same time for fear that I'll run off in a dead panic. So I will just say that I have a nice bit of stuff to do.

However, even with lots of menacing work to do, I do still have time to relax and hang out with my friends. Therefore, I cannot call this a intense workload. I have other people's to compare it to. Medical school? My dad's electrical training? I'm laughing, I have so much free time. *grins* So, even if I complain, I still acknowledge that this isn't really that hard, really.

*long silence*

"So, why did you fail then?"

No! I shall not fret about my upcoming pain and humiliation! *laughs manically*

We're going to the art gallery this evening, which should be jolly. (The college comes out in force and troops down to look at paintings...) Unfortunately our art class on Tuesday was canceled when the Professor lost the images for it. He works so hard, he's usually going on 2 hours of sleep. He's trying frantically to fit in so much art before the end of term, and then this happens. It was quite sad. Right, gallery tonight. Is jolly.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but Em is the patron saint of book buying (in addition to hiccups). She can find golden bargains anywhere, and she returned yesterday that a book surplus store in the mall was going out of business. Everything 50% off, on previously discounted shiny new books. Moon Unit, Third World and I of course immediately traipsed down to the mall as soon as we were at a stopping point. I won't bore you with the details, particularly since I acquired some gifts, but let it be known that I now possess a bunch more loverly books, and all for under $25.00. *glee*

Oh, and we hit the passive in Latin, and interrogative pronouns and adjectives. Self is not delirious with joy.

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