Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wherein Snazel ponders the past.

Classes are over. That is such a strange thought. o.O In a week's time I'll be done with my exams. Even stranger... The time is just zipping by.

Here is the last week in miniature. :)

On Monday we had Latin (fun), and Philosophy (PoMo). It seems strange to think of going back to life without those classes in it. Philosophy is going to leave a big hole, actually. I didn't understand it much, but it was great when I did! :P

On Tuesday we had our last art class, which was interesting. We touched on the surrealists and cubists. Then we handed in our papers to Dr. Patrick, and had a lovely community meal: lasagna, garlic bread, salad, and cake with berries and whipped cream. I will certainly miss Tuesdays. *sniffs*

On Wednesday, we had our last music class and last Latin class. I botched the Latin quiz. *weeps* I think I'll miss Latin. Not the quizzes so much, but the translation is rather fun, in a painful way, and Professor Blaedow is amazing. Music class was enjoyable, but I doubt that I'll miss it. *sheepish*

On Thursday we had Literature. We did our presentation on items we found on the street, which was jolly. I was so petrified when I read my presentation! I'm pretty sure I was reading in a monotone, in addition to the actual shaking. However, it went reasonably well, and professor Tucker said that I reminded him of the lead character in Becoming Jane. I have never seen that movie, so I'm unsure exactly what he meant *nervous* but I'm pretty sure it's good. I think. :P The other presentations were excellent! It was lots of fun to listen to- an excellent ending class. Despite feeling like a blockhead every time I leave Literature, I'll miss it. Then we had Scriptures class, which was a review class. To be perfectly frank, I was not at all mournful to see the end of that class.

Oh! And then we went to the mall afterward, Third World and I, and I bought a portable hard drive! So now I can back up my files and pics. *sigh of relief*

On Friday was the last Science class, which was funnish. That was an enjoyable class, but again, I shan't miss it. In trivium, we then discussed... pacifism. Who wants to go out on a tame note anyways? I think I kept my temper admirably well, though my blood pressure went up a little bit when someone made the comment, "You can't be a good soldier and a good Christian." *wide mirthless smile* It basically ended with us running out of time and agreeing only on the fact that Jesus in his incarnation was pacifist in that he did not try to defend himself by violence. *sigh*

Then last night we went to the other girl's house for Texas's birthday, and "end of classes party". That was a ball!

Now, I really need to go study, so, farewell. :P

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