Monday, May 19, 2008

"maybe I overdosed on Caffeine..."

I haven't blogged in a while, but yes, I am still alive. *waves* 

I've now done two shifts at my new place of employment, which went well. The people there are really nice, which helps enormously, and the actual job is not that difficult: make coffee, push drink buttons,  fill fry containers, sweep floors, push cash register buttons, wipe trays, make sundaes, cones and flurries; and that's about it. And so far, I have set nothing on fire, thrown a total of zero items at anyone, and cut/burned/injured only myself. Looks like a success! :D

I should make one thing clear about the job though. I have had a remarkale number of persons say to me, "Oh, you must like dealing with people then!" The logic runs- I assume- since I am working counter, I like to talk to the dozens of people I log through an hour. Ahhhh.... No. I don't. That is not the highlight of my job. I don't mind talking to the people who are friendly, and I no longer feel sick inside on seeing someone I have not lived with come up to the cash, but I am not an extrovert, in any sense of the word.

In fact, (I was thinking about this last night,) this could be yet another way God is using to push the edges of my comfort zone. I would be very happy to spend my time in an office, or on a computer, or otherwise not "dealing with people". But that isn't good for me, I think, and the job forces me to get out and "deal with people" all the time. *sigh* I still really wish there was some other job I was qualified for, but right now drive-through seems to be my most valuable skill. 

It's all in God's hands, no? And if other people of my personality type, (I know you're out there,) can stick it out, so can I! *resolute*

But aside from the job, not much of note has been happening. I am slightly dubious about the Library grant/job coming through, because I am not currently accepted to any post-secondary institution, and I have no real career plans. Both of which criteria the government likes to see filled. However, if it does come through, I'll just work an estimated 77 hours a week for 8 weeks, and then get through just in time for Mommy and Daddy to head off to Toronto for Gid's stem cell treatment. I hadn't actually ran the dates till that moment, but it looks like that works out very well, if I do get the grant. Interesting.

It's all in God's hands. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Today has troubles enough for its self, don't worry about tomorrow. 

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