Sunday, May 25, 2008

"No rest for the weary..." "Go on then, you're not weary!"

I worked an odd shift time yesterday, so I saw three other shifts turn over.  The thing that gets me is the fact that ALL my co-workers, with the exception of the supervisor, one of the managers, and one of the girls who are underage. were planning to go out drinking. It was May Two Four yesterday, which is the traditional time to go out camping, (and drinking). A lot of people went out last weekend as well, since is that when the parks open. 

And when I say "one of the girls who are underage," I mean; the other underage girls are still planning to go drink themselves out of their senses. My sister and I were doing the math, and the social girls start going to drinking parties at age FOURTEEN! Once again, it's just what you do.

I was invited up to the work party as well. The people at my work are friendly, and I'm overage. But thankfully, I'm just not interested. One of my friends, in a recent discussion of morals, mentioned how easy it seems to just hop in the car and drive over where you're invited. However, (also thankfully), I don't have a car, and I'm not permitted to drive the standard VW which is our current family vehicle. If I'm to go anywhere, I have to get my parents to drive me where I want to go. This tends to put an automatic damper on any interest I might conceivably have in parties. :D 

But also, I just have never been interested in drinking myself unconscious. If it was a video game party, now, I might try to hitch a ride... 

In other news, Mommy, Daddy, Gid and Sammy have set out for Toronto early this morning. They'll be there for a week for Gid's Stem Cell harvesting, and then back to St. John's for another week of Chemo, Lord willing. I did get the Library grant, (surprise! :) so I'm having a meeting to discuss hours and duties sometime this week. And then I'm training for Drive-thru on Monday, so I will be able to be scheduled for more and different shifts. It looks like the duties are piling up!

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