Friday, August 20, 2010

Honey, I said, my life is a ghost story. Then tell it to me, she said.

I'm reading The Book Of Negroes, by Lawrence Hill, for book club. It's a book about slavery, from the viewpoint of a slave. Which, as you may have have guessed, does not make it a happy book. The MC was just raped, and that hasn't been the most terrible thing to happen so far. Oh, and I'm about one third into the book.

Which leads me to wonder- why do people read books like this? I mean, I'm reading it for a book club, but it was recommended by someone who'd read it for pleasure. Why do you choose for your enjoyment to read a book about the horrors that men can inflict on each other? I just don't get it!

I mean granted, before I read this I was starting to get annoyed at the people who are constantly apologizing for the sins of their fathers. And while I still think it is not really a good idea to constantly be blaming, apologizing and taking the credit for old sins, I can now see why people feel a visceral need to apologize. This is a large sin. It- shouldn't be glossed over.

BUT MOVING ON- I mean I got that within the first hundred pages. WHY would you keep reading about horrors? Is your life that boring, that you must replace the mundanity with old crimes made new?

SIGH. Okay. I'll go read more. And then I'll have to read one of my nice "fluffy" book before bed, so I don't spend the night on an imaginary slave ship.


Bahnree said...


Snazel said...

BUT. I love the writer's voice. So it's all good.

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