Thursday, January 31, 2008
"Sugar is not good for you." "But it tastes so good!"
As further proof of my insanity, I've agreed to participate in a thing called "Right here, Write now," (Or maybe it is "Write here, Right now." Hmmm) You write a thousand words a day for the month of February. Should be fun! Particularly cause Third World and Moon Unit are doing it with me. I thought to myself: Hey self! You have way too much free time, and you're way too social. You should do something to remedy that! So I came up with this plan. Pretty special, I though.
Moon Unit is presently phone counselling a friend, RM is off at a friend's house, and Third World has accompanied Em to Chapters. Pshaw! those people with money! Money is for noobes! (quote)
I really need to not eat that much sugar at a sitting. *cries* *falls asleep*
I have come to the conclusion that my life is pretty much devoid of ~drama~, which is much simpler, but cuts down on conversation topics.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Machiavelli, such an optimist
“… This is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely: they will offer you their blood, property, life and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you.”-chapter 17, The Prince
I've been to the mountains, left my tracks in the snow...
It was his particular kick at the can. Not that you should ever kick cans. Lovely creatures.This is what I heard my music prof say in music class today. (Insert cat for can and it makes a bit more sense.) Fun times though.
Hmm. I have an inkling that I've entered the February blues two days early. Not so fun.
Anyhow! Third World had her birthday on Sunday, and Moon Unit turned 18 today, so we're having a low grade party all week. Presents are trickling in from Third World's American friends who aren't really understanding how much of a slowdown customs is. "I want mail..." Heh hehe heh
Moon Unit's friends are also sending her things... Her dad works in town, and he stopped by today with flowers. Roses and snapdragons. *smile* It was very cute.
Ha, Third World also had flowers sent her, but that was from a friend at home. He, (yes, he) arranged for them to be delivered on Saturday. We had fun with that. It seems he's just enough of a crazy kind of guy to think up a present like that. (hmm, this is the kind of friend Third world attracts. Insane! However, I'm friends with Third World. What does that say about me? *snazel runs off screaming*)
ahem. Here are some lovely pictures from our Sunday skating party.
RM and Third World tie up Third World's boots. I tell you. 20 ft of nylon rope comes is handy all the time!

Star! (carrying her boots by means of shoelaces)

"Let's just think about this a moment." (note the boots)

"I'll push you. Just glide! Glide!"

After the crash... (Poor Third World is still bruised, what with the boots kicking her in the side, and the crash(s).*sympathy* )

Myself, in front of an official entrance to the canal.

Star! (waiting for RM and Third World to change skates)


Only in Ottawa?

Looking up the canal.

They had blocked off the canal for unspecified safely reasons. So we had to turn around here.

RM had a ball! She's the most city of us all, and was entranced with the idea of skating outside. : )

I hear there are beavertails on the other side of this crowd...


Yummy! A good end to a good day.

Got to go do philosophy now.
I'll just say, I'm not totally thrilled with the assignment this week. Because there was a *cough* discussion of free will, we spent an extra week on Aquinas. In addition to having a three-hour class on Monday. Now to get back on schedule we're doing Luther and Machiavelli in one week.
[whine] I like Machiavelli! I wanted to see what my prof would say about him! We had a whole week on him in the schedule! Now we're hardly gonna touch him cause of Luther![/whine]
Now we also have both assignements in one week. We are to say whether Luther agrees with Augustine in "On Grace and Free Will", with reference to both of Luther's excerpts that we read and "On Grace and Free Will". One page. We are also to state WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH MACHIAVELLI! *tired* With reference to the text. In a half or one page.*very tired*
I am supposed to find the flaws in a philosopher that has shaped the way western politics are run for the past five centuries.
*groan* *pain* *crying*
In addition to bringing up Free will again. *abject weeping*
I think I need some chocolate.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Don't you know who you are?
*awkward silence*
No, not at all really, it just feels nice to be on top of my school work for "this one moment in time." That's another Philosophy quote, actually. I love that class. I don't necessarily agree with everything, but it always makes me think hard, and logically, which is fun, right?
someone back me up here?
Speaking of studying things which I like- (yes, I know I wasn't really talking about that, but hush please. I'm scrambling madly for thought transitions.) I had a funny talk with one of Em's friends on Sunday. He's a rather blunt medievalist. Moon-unit, Em and I had gone to Evensong, and we stayed afterwards for conversation and tea. As it will, the conversation moved to; "what are you doing next year?" Moon-unit said that she was taking Library Tech, and we talked about that for a while. Then attention was turned on me. *swallow*
You know how much I love that question, chiefly because of my complete inability to answer it in anything near a normal fashion. I don't think I have ever been ever to roll off a pat answer, and this time was no different. The conversation went something like this.
Me- "I think I'm going to take some correspondence courses from home."The conversation moved on from there.
Em's Friend- "Really? What subjects?
Me- *cheerfully resolute* "Cooking, English, History, and Computer Programming."
Em's Friend- "That's bizzare!"
Me- "Well, I'm bizzare."
Moon-unit- "You said it!"
It is a bizzare combination, true, but it's what I'm interested in. Actually, adding glassblowing or bead weaving, and pottery making wouldn't have gone amiss, but I don't talk about those in mixed company. *slow evil smile* Who knows, I may find after one term that I hate cooking, or programming, or love it. Who even really knows.
I don't, for certain sure, but it looks to be fun finding out!
I can tell I've been doing Latin. First I think in Latin Syntax, and then when that wears off I think in some type of Celtic for a term, and then I'm back in my normal *cough* unique, thought patterns.
On a totally different tangent, I find that Third World has very good taste in books. I can just go in and steal a book of her shelf, (not, that I've done that) and enjoy it! And no, that is not just because I enjoy any book I read. I certainly do not like every book I come across. Em's taste is quite different than mine, say. Lamd's is right over the edge of different! Anyways, it's fun to meet someone who's taste coincides with mine.
What else...
There is a college talent show next Tuesday. It should be interesting. I don't really have any performance talents, but thankfully there are lots of people here who are extremely talented in that direction. It should be good!
Brain is shutting down, but won't shut off...
Oh, we went skating on the canal on Sunday, which was quite fun. I crammed my feet into a pair of size 7 skates. I had remembered much more than I thought I had. (I had remembered, that would be in the past perfect tense?) I only fell once, and managed to turn that into a one knee slide. Yes, the six years of ballet lessons have paid rich dividends! I brought my camera along, and our party of four took turns taking pictures. Third World didn't take pictures though. She had skates that were MUCH too big. The kind where you skate half the time on your ankle bones. *pain* However, she traded skates with RM half way through, and that helped them both. By that time Star and I couldn't feel our feet at all. hmmmm
Despite the skate issues, it was very fun, and we fell hardly at all. It was yummy too. We stopped for beaver tails, and Third World; the kind, the benevolent, the one with money, bought me one as well.
Wow, I think it's time to head for bed. The brain is trying to shut down in actual fact.
One last philosphy quote;
His life lasted till his death.Gotta love it.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
A Saturday expedenture in Ottawa

Here's the Château Laurier from one angle...

... and another.

The Byward Market. It hosts a farmer's market in the summer.

Some noisy little birds.

A lovely park.

The Houses of Parliament, seen through the park.

Notre Dame at Ottawa.

An Ice Seep.

The Ottawa River. This is standing on the bridge to Quebec, looking up toward the docks.

The Houses of Parliament, again. Taken from the river bank.

Houses of Parliament, plus trees! {Exciting!}

A lovely wall. This reminded me of Germany, (probably best not to ask why.)

It's the Assassin! Third World, startled in the act of shooting a tree.

Myself, startled in the act of trying to get up gracefully and failing.

A closing lock out at the canal. This is under Redieu Street. I thought it looked like a dungeon, principally because I came through here first at 5 in the evening, and it was snowing. The place has ATMOSPHERE!
Ah, these looked better full size. They were so beautifully in focus! My unprofessional, (to say the least,) photo editing software has slightly blurred the lovely pictures Third world and I took, but you get the idea.
Did I actually just write this sentence?
Happiness does not consist in the soul reflecting on itself: first, because the inherently imperfect soul, which desires its own perfection, does not improve by contemplating imperfection; second, because as happiness is the highest perfection of man, the soul, which is aware that things exist higher than its self, cannot rest except in the highest good, which is God.I just wrote a sentece that has 59 words, (312 characters,) in it. This is what happens when you try to condense St. Thomas Aquinas. It's all the dependent clauses.
Perfect happiness cannot consist in Man’s spirit being borne towards God by his creations; first, because knowledge of God through his creation consists in the mind’s movement from one stage to another, and not in a final end; secondly, because perfect happiness consists in a perfect adherence of the human mind with perfection, but all created things are imperfect; third, according to right order, lesser things are know by greater, therefore God, who is the supreme good, cannot be more known by means of lesser goods.This one has 86 words. Painful!!!
You make me strange
With everyone making plans for next year, I do admit that I felt a trifle left out. Everyone is going to go off and do exciting things, (like engineering and library technology) and I'll just go home... (yes, there is some little sarcasm there.) At any rate, I was moping a little internally. I had decided that I didn't want to spend enormous amounts of money that I DON'T have, to take some course that I found mildly interesting, and that seemed to cut down significantly on my options in terms of fun things to do. Then, I had an epiphany!
cue internal dialogue: Wait a second here. If I go home, that doesn't mean all I can do is sit in the house and clean and talk to only to interesting people in my own town! (interesting people in my own town [who will talk to me]=my own family.) I can do other things too! /internal dialogue.
General rejoicing ensues. Self walks down street grinning like a loon, and scaring all the nice dour city people.
As a result, I made up a *cough* life plan, in honour of all my careful classmates.
- Until April:
- Pass courses
- Eat
- Sleep
- Talk to people other than myself
- This Summer
- Go home
- Acquire a laptop or other computer
- Write story in May
- Help out in the house
- Track down interesting courses
- Save money
- Next school term
- Take interesting courses by correspondence. Options;
- Cooking
- History
- English
- Programing
- Help family
- Go to the theatre
- Read interesting books
- Travel and visit Classmates
- Convince people to come to Europe with me.
- Next summer and/or fall and/or winter
- Travel Europe in company, (2 to 6 people,) for at least 2 months
- Write things
- Meet people
- Learn interesting things
- Sometime in the next 60+ years, up to and including tomorrow
- Get married
- Have kids
- Write stories
- Travel the world
- Learn a language or three
- Learn interesting things
Just some randomness to waste your time.
Set your music player on shuffle. For each new "scene" note down the song that comes next. So no cheating. Unless you feel it's necessary to skip a tune (say, the same song comes up twice, etc.)
Opening Credits: Lemon Wedge, by Kim Mitchell
hmm, that is rather disturbing. Sounds happy, and then “I just wanna feel ya!”
Waking Up: WW2 : Holocaust and Rebuilding, by UC Berkley Podcasts.
Odd Odd Odd
Average Day: Here’s to Song, by the Split Peas
I can live with this. But wait, it’s a farewell! Don’t over think…
First Date: Pieces, by Sum41
NOOOOOO! I haven’t even gone on a date yet!
Falling In Love: Free At Last, by dctalk
This works... Fun song
Fight Scene: Jesse Collins’ Slipway, by Buddy Wasisname and The Other Fellers
A jig. My fight scene is a Jig.
Breaking Up: Fruit Loopy, by Buddy Wasisname and The Other Fellers
I think we’re taking a brief dip into surrealism
Getting Back Together: Fly Eagle Fly, by Whiteheart
Such a pretty song. *dreamy smile* “have you not heard? Faith is a bird..”
Secret Love: All Day All Night, by Allies.
Life's Okay: Salvator Mundi, by Thomas Tallis.
What is wrong with my music library? How do I have this stuff? It works, though.
Mental Breakdown: Entertaining Angels, by Newsboys
That’s one way to put it!
Heck yes!
Learning A Lesson: Bound To Come Some Trouble, by Rich Mullins.
Yes, this is true. And I need to learn this again, and again, and again…
Deep Thought: Time after Time, by Cyndi Lauper
I can’t decide if this works or not.
Flashback: Crazy Faith, by Allison Krauss
Ahmm er, um, *cough* *looks at ceiling* NEXT SONG!!
Partying: Suddenly I See, by KT Tunstall
*innocent* but I don’t party, Really!!
Happy Dance: Great Divide, by Hanson
Oh yes. This is MY happy dance. *evil laughter*
Regretting: The Renaissance In Western Culture, by UC Berkley Podcasts
Well, it does tend to induce banging of heads against walls. (Now I’ve deleted this from my library) Moving on..
Long Night Alone: Worst Reality of The Pill, by Janet Smith PHd
*nervous laughter* *looks over shoulder*
Death Scene: Complicated, by Avril Lavigne
Odd, Odd, Odd, But I could see this working. *cough*
and another!!
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. Write that song name down.
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Momma Cried, by Allison Krauss
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Uncle Dan, by The Irish Descendents.
“she can dance to the fiddle, dance to the fiddle… drank every man clean under his chair” NOOO! It’s not TRUE!
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Get Me Through December, by Natalie Macmaster.
It works. Such a beautiful song, ethereal.
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Treasures in Heaven, by Burlap to
Why is all my music angry, inappropriate or emo? It fits though.*grudging*
WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? Union House Branch, by Allison Krauss.
Why do I have this? I think it’s time for some music library cleaning.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS? Isolation Blues, by Charlie A’Court
Haaaa! We were just talking about this!
Yes, it would be that. It just would *dead silence*. Even though I don’t currently “like” anyone.
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? The Unknown Miner’s Grave, by Men of the Deeps.
*nervous grin* *clears throat* I think it may be time to get some of my own music.
WHAT SONG WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR WEDDING? Nobody’s Child, by Julie Miller.
I don’t THINK so! (Oh no you didun’t)
WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? That’s The Hold, by Kim Mitchell
Um, no. I really really REALLY doubt it.
WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? TruDog: The Return, by TobyMac
Not applicable, I swear!
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Fire and Ice, by Pat benetar
So, by biggest fear is falling in love with a womanizer? Dali!
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Dance if You Want To, by Rose Cousins.
That works! *finally!*
*hysterical laughter*
WHAT IS YOUR ROMANTIC SIDE LIKE? The Wedding Gift, by Rawlins Cross
WHAT DOES YOUR FUTURE HOLD FOR YOU? Those Shoes, by the Eagles
A good song. No comment…
Friday, January 25, 2008
NAC, here I come!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Pray without ceasing
On a completely different subject; Third World and I have agreed to write a 50,000 word story in the month of May. After our exams are all over. I write this down so that it may shame me into writing in May. And yes, the title is quite applicable to this part of the post as well.
Meh, it's too hot in here. Some intelligent person decided to put the thermostat in the classroom at 25, instead of the normal 20, or the evening 15. *melting* I'll be witty some other time.
Or not, it all depends.
The retreat
But I still went. Why? I'm stubborn, mainly. Also I heard my Dad's voice in the back of my head, saying that I needed to get out and talk to people. No cloistering!
So I was walking down the street thinking that I was going to be stomach sick. About the walking... It's two miles to the church, and I was carrying what I was going to live in for the next three days. As I have no upper body strength to speak of, I explored new boundaries of packing light.
Thankfully, upon my arrival, I did meet some first year university students, but there were also some very interesting people. I met a girl who's taking an agriculture program, specifically horses, one who works for the army in communications, another who is in the army in communications, a statistician, and another girl who is her last year of teacher's college. And that was in the first 30 minutes! [this bodes well]
We were staying at a Tim Horton's camp in Quebec. It was very nice. I have stayed in hotels that are significantly less nice. The food was very good as well. Free coffee, soda, hot chocolate, tea, and French Vanilla. *dreamy smile*
As is usual, we were divided in teams, (all named after fairy tale characters. ) I was on Sleeping Beauty. We played games for points all weekend. Also usual. I tried to stop people twice my weight in British Bulldog and knocked us both flying. All per normal.
However, there was a nice spread of games and other point earning activities. There were indeed sports, which I do not excel at, let's just say. However, there were also fairy tale trivia quizzes. At the end of the weekend I was being called my team's secret weapon, and had been asked twice if I was an English Lit. major. "we all have our strengths..."
So, the games were good, I met interesting people, the food was good, and the facilities were good. Is there anything else at a church retreat? Ah, yes. The speaker. He was good but not as good as the professors at Augustine. It's a little funny, because I overheard quite a few people talking animatedly about how good he was, nd Paster Jeff said that his class was the best in his four years of bible college! Just goes to show the class of teaching that goes on here...
Overall, it was very good that I went. On Saturday night, I was able to think over some things that I've been worried about. All right, that is not very informative... I've been terrified about the future whenever I think about it, what with Gid, and my lack of career direction, and food. So I've responded by not thinking about it. I had intellectual reasons for not being worried, but they had NOT trickled down to an emotional response. Outside of the context of school, I was able to think them through, and do a lot of praying. And God gave me emotional peace for the future. It's funny, I knew even then that I would not always be unworried, but it was such a relief to not worry for even a small time. I was remembering something Dr. Patrick said; that you will have times when you do not feel good, and then you remember the good times. Not try to recreate them, but remember them. For that time, I could not find something in my life that caused me sorrow. I was able to trust God entirely for the future.
I wept with joy. And I don't normally cry for anything.
So, I know that part of that's the "retreat effect", but I think I remembered some very important things about trusting God, and learned some others.
Yes, you were all right. It was a good idea that I should go on the retreat, and I would have a good time. (bah humbug : )
Monday, January 21, 2008
This is what happens after philosphy class.
And now RM and Camper are doing Algebra on the blackboard, for fun. For FUN!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
You might not be a leader if no one follows you.
Yes, I'm back from the retreat. I'll put that in its own post, cause a lot went on, but it was certainly good. I didn't sleep nearly enough, as is to be expected.
I unhappily received 17 pages of Aquinas to read on Thursday, and only realized that it was there on Friday afternoon. So I finished it now. However, I actually enjoyed it this time. He's very logical, once you understand his terms! Philosophy class should be interesting. *looks around frantically*
Friday, January 18, 2008
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell...
There are no tick-boxes for people like me!(She's home schooled.) At any rate, it was decided that her issue with the college would not be fixed in this evening, so she got to come along. The dinner was quite good. A nice salad, and rolls, *smiles happily*, and pasta with a chicken, mushroom and peppers cream sauce. There were two tables of people in attendance, so we played a game, table against table. A question would be asked, "how many of X do you have?" and the table would say the combined sum of the quantity of x represented at their table. The table with the highest sum would win a point. So, we were asked; how many buttons at your table, how many pets do you have, how many shoes... One girl stopped counting at 45 pairs of shoes. She also had spent 6 and a half hours on Facebook that day. I was able to assist my team rather well on the questions; How many siblings, and how many houses have you lived in? Yes, I pretty much pwned those questions! (makes up for my contribution to the button, shoes, and facebook-hours questions. : ) My table won, of course.
Then we went up for the official meeting. There was a different worship team this time, and I wasn't quite crazy about it. There was a high proportion of the "God-you-are-so-great-'cause-you-did-this-for-me,-therefore-I-will-do-this-for-you" type songs. Not my favourite. I think I may have been a trifle hard on people last week for not getting into the music. *shame and remorse*
The talk itself was good. I like Pastor Jeff's speaking style, keeping his hearers listening;
"True love is public, and that doesn't mean I want you making out in the pews on Sunday."He knows his audience! Moreover, you have to respect a man who is popping pills for a head splitting cold, then gives no sign for an hour of speaking, mainly from memory. I'm also a sucker for dry humour and/or sarcasm. *sheepish* I'm not sure if I'd agree across the board with the Met's theology, but I can live quite happily with what they choose to talk about and live out. Some churches like to dwell on the issues I have the most issues with, or that are the most divisive, but thankfully I'm not picking that up here. I suppose churches sometimes feel the need to separate themselves from other people, and the only way they choose to do that is to emphasize what is different about themselves. At any rate, I enjoy the teaching, I can live with the music, and the attendees appear to be not too different from myself. I'm going on a retreat tomorrow, so that should be fun!
Oh, afterwards they serve coffee and cookies, and I was talking to Third World while Moon Unit talked to half the people in the room, which she is old friends with. I accused Third World of looking innocent while in actual fact she is plotting devious replies, and she said;
"*splutter* You do it all the time- you're doing it now! Looking innocent and demure while you're really the dark-hearted goddess of chaos!"I seem to have acquired quite a reputation.
In my defence, I have to say that Maritime humour is significantly more cynical then the rest of the continent, and I am the only east coaster. Add to that a propinquity for sarcasm and affinity for dry-as-dust jokes, and you have a promising combination! Ah, good times, good times.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another turn of the wheel goes round...
However, music is my salvation. I start to understand why my brother can spend hours playing, or my dad, day in and day out. I can't play myself, but listening comes closer than the echoes in my own head.
Well, Latin was today, and while I still died, it was not quite as badly as last week. I progress ever so slowly. Step by step up the hill. I slip, but it is important to keep moving, (or facing,) in the right direction. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
What is going on.
Gid had a scheduled assessment yesterday. This involved a CT Scan, regular complete Blood Count, and a 24 hour urinalysis. Both the results of the CBC and the urinalysis were good. Unfortunately, the CT scan revealed a new growth in the fissure between the lower left lobe and the upper left lobe of his lungs. We have just talked with the Oncologist about the next step. The next step is lung surgery, tentatively scheduled for next Wednesday Morning. We are scheduled to talk with the Surgeon tomorrow afternoon at which time, we will have more information. After the surgery there will probably be another cycle of chemo but we do not know that for sure, it's just what we expect. We have every confidence that this is within God's purpose for Gid, and so we are resting in His hands.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Not the news we were looking for
Now today he went in for an assessment, (to see if he would need surgery), and they found something new. It's growing, though really nothing should be growing, he's been on chemo for so long, and it's growing fast, comparatively speaking. What it boils down to is that this thing is a different strain. The older strain is reacting well to treatment, the assessment showed it shrinking, but this is new. The Oncologists are "concerned", (on a list of things you don't want your medical provider to say, that has to be up there.) Gid is going in for surgery as soon as they can find a slot for a lung surgery. However, to put things in perspective; when he was fist diagnosed his lungs were so full that the x-ray slides showed white. He was on oxygen in normal life. Now they could take out a full lobe of his lungs and he'd never miss it.
Man, it's hard.
He's so ALIVE, and now this. I just haven't looked at the possibility that he might die for the past 9 months or so, (put it away, we aren't acknowledging that,) and now it's back in my face.
It's funny/interesting/awful reacting to cancer. Because it is such a long treatment program, you really can not postpone your life until "everything is all right." With almost every other type of injury, you can sit by the bedside, drop everything, put your life on hold. until it's resolved. With something that has a 18 month treatment schedule, you can't. And that doesn't even include the assessments after treatment. You have to go on living normally. It goes against human nature. No, that's not entirely true. There are circumstances when the patient is only in treatment for a month or so, and then they stop. When the disease is at one or the other ends of the spectrum. Since Gid presented with so much cancer in April, he will (please God) have a very long treatment plan. You have to go on living all the while.
At the same time, you can't make any long range plans, because things change so fast. Case in point: See above. It makes me very glad that I didn't apply for any colleges over Christmas. I almost did, but in talking it over with my Dad, I realized that I was looking at them for the wrong reasons. Incidentally, I think Lamd, who is looking at English Lit, is also looking at them for the wrong reasons. I almost talked him out of it today.
me: Why do you want to do this?Good times, harassing Lamd. Anyways, I probably didn't convince him at all, but I did convince myslef not to going something solely for the sake of "doing something." Hey, going to Europe is "doing something", and it costs a whole lot less! At any rate, I have applied for nothing, and now come April I have no commitments. I don't know, the school would understand, I think, if I dropped classes, and headed home to help out sooner. I just don't know.
What will do the most for you?
Could you get that some other way?
Why spend the money? (Cause he doesn't have to count the cost at all.)
Do you want the jobs that piece of paper will allow you?
God Knows.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
This is my Mom
I'm feeling relaxed about the upcoming week (strange, huh) but it's already planned, we just don't know the plan yet. I'll try to remain childlike, except not to say, "Are we there yet? How long till we get there?!!" Instead, I'll just trust our Father to know the plan and go along with whatever He says is best. It does make for sketchy plans, but we'll just try to be "max flex".That is my parents. They have so much faith, I am just in awe. I love them very much.
They've set the bar quite high.
Can we go bowling?
My luggage is finally here! It arrived at about 6pm yesterday. Both Pieces. Hooray! Now, if Air Canada will only recompense me for the things I bought for the interim yesterday... Ah well, I got a lovely blue dress for the symphony, and the Lush store was having a sale, so I got some soaps and such.
I went to the Sunday service at the Met today, which was good. I'm still not particularly thrilled at being alone in such a big crowd, but the sermon was good, and there was one good song in the singing. Then when walking out afterwards, I heard the following exchange.
Little Girl: Can we go bowling?
Mother: Not on the Lord's Day.
Little Girl: Can we go swimming?
Mother: We'll go sledding when we get home.
I don't understand what is particularly wrong with bowling on Sunday, but to each his own, I guess?
one is an arrogant spoiled noblewoman, one is a bitter traitor, and one is a insecure emo kid trying to prove himself, and failing.
I have discovered an issue with my reading style. If I'm reading something which I enjoy, like Lilith, I feel I must finish it in one sitting. 250 pages, gone. However, if I'm reading something I'm not a fan of, such as Aquinas, I have no issue whatsoever with walking away from it. I need to switch those!
And, what else is going on... Oh, I'm going on a retreat with the Met Young Adults! Next weekend. It's at the Tim Horton's Camp, and we've been promised "coffee on tap". Hmm, not so sure that wasn't sarcasm, but it should be fun!
-end random thought snippets-
Saturday, January 12, 2008
They found it!
I wonder where it was? It would be very funny if it got put on an international flight by mistake. (Chicago?) However, it was probably just in Ottawa under a pile of other bags. My other bag is still AWOL, so I'm certainly going shopping!
*skips off humming*
Man, I have been more girly here then I have been for a long time. Part of it, I think, is that at home there's all the little ones, and Frauline, so any "girlishness" on my part feels put on. Here I'm on of the youngest, so I can skip out of the room with a clear conscience. : ) Also, I'm rediscovering the fun of body language. You can make a very effective retort without saying a word, it's all in the angle of head and shoulder and eyebrows. *bemused* Skulking around is not nearly as fun.
I think I prefer Lewis
I also finished Aquinas, which was good, thought I prefer Aristotle. And I called Air Canada. They STILL don't know where my bags are, but they'll recompense me for up to $100 USD in clothing and toiletries. So I intend to spend $100.00 USD. Shopping!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Life in the Big City
We dove right in with a discussion of freewill on Monday in Philosophy, which was very hard, but interesting! I tell myself that I will not totally enjoy any of the classes this week, and after I am adjusted it will be better. And yet, I am already enjoying the classes, so this bodes well for the year to come.
We had a painful lecture on the relationship between God and Reason in Art class, (Tuesday.) Namely, that choosing between them is a false dichotomy. For me God is reasonable. He invented reason. He is reason. However, for the med students and Public schooled people in the class, this involved a bunch of mental re-jigging. It was mainly painful, come to think of it, because I had seen the art that we will cover when we get to the Renaissance, and I wanted to see what the Prof was going to say about them. We didn't really cover any art. Next week...
Then we had Dr Patrick's class on Tuesday, and that was Quite interesting. He gave an overview of what we will cover, talked about our papers, and then talked about... Sexuality. Dr. Patrick tackles all the topics no one else really wants to touch; except really I don't have a problem visualizing any of my profs discussing "Dr. Patrick's topics". Maybe, the topics the students don't want to touch. It was actually a very interesting/useful lecture though, despite the high proportion of "I really wish I wasn't here right now" moments. Dr. Patrick asking Lamd how long it took for guys to be ready for sex? *yucky dance!* Moon-unit and I were sitting across from each other, and we hid our heads in our hands in unison. By the end of the class I was picturing ice cubes being dropped down my back in an effort to keep a straight face. Yes, Dr. Patrick is back with a vengence!
For Book Club this term we are reading The four loves, by C. S. Lewis, which I am really enjoying. I think I should make an effort to read more Lewis, because I really like the book. Em is leading the discussion as well, which is cool.
Let me see, we also had Latin class on Wednesday, of which the history discussion of Cataline and Agustus was excellent, and the quiz was excruciating. *pulls a veil over the quiz* Let's not talk about that.
Music on Wednesday was fun. I'm adjusted fairly well to Prof Warren's style now, and even enjoy his side excursions up and down the sides of music history. We talked about Bach and Handel.
Prof W. He wrote the music for the Royal Fireworks, but unfortunately the fireworks went wrong. They blew up. *pauses to consider several tons of fireworks going off together* The music survived though!That is still not my favourite class, but it is certainly becoming fun.
Now today we had literature class. Professor Tucker is essentially cool, and I really enjoyed it. We got the verdict on our fiction pieces everyone was so worried over. *tears hair methodically* Everyone was in the eighties, except for Rach, who got a 95! I could very easily let myself become jealous of that mark, because I know she worked on it for a week and I worked on mine for at least three weeks - only hers was very very good. Prof Tucker read it aloud and I was entirely sucked in. She certainly has the gift of words. In addition to money, looks, brains, artistic talent, musical talent, acting talent and a boyfriend. *dead silence*
However, by the Grace of God I don't mind. My God is Able. I wouldn't want her life, (mine is better, : ) and she is nice. Besides, Prof. Tucker said he was discussing my writing style with Dr. Patrick (!) and they agreed I have "incredible breadth of diction." I had to look that up. *sheepish*
dic·tionDiction usually implies a high level of usage; it refers chiefly to the choice of words, their arrangement, and the force, accuracy, and distinction with which they are used: The speaker was distinguished for his excellent diction; poetic diction.
1. style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words: good diction.
Scriptures class was this afternoon, and my patience was GONE. For no real reason, it just disappeared while I was boiling the kettle for tea. No, that's a lie. It disappeared during a discussion of Christmas in Lit. I was reminded forcibly that I come from a different income bracket than many of my classmates. There was nothing really annoying there, just the calm assumption that everyone would have, more money than I think I do. I kept my mouth shut, made myself tea, and had no patience when Scriptures class rolled around. Hmmmm
It wasn't that bad. I took class notes, and made a list of what Air Canada has lost me. They still haven't found my luggage, so I'm calling them tomorrow to talk about repayment. Just inside my head, it looks as though I might possibley be able to live off the money for the rest of the term. I don't really need new clothes, so if after re-buying my books I have $500 I'll be living well! We'll see.
Then today I went to the Met! I wasn't really interested, but I told myself sternly that I had to get outside the Augustine Bubble, and went. It was quite good! They're talking about love for the next five weeks, which dovetails neatly with The Four Loves, so I'm definitely going at least that long. The singing was nice, though there wasn't much passion! Come on people, get your body language into this at least! You look like you're standing in a Customs line-up! I rocked it out for "better is one day," which I didn't realize I was familiar with. I just knew it was not to be sung in a lacklustre way, and didn't. No dancing, never fear, but I had my head going. : ) Passion, People! It won't hurt much to act like you believe it!
The sermon was interesting. I kept seeing "logical errors", and then realizing that they were not actually, he just hadn't explained himself first. I've been spoiled with Class discussion, my Profs, and my Dad! Then after there was coffee downstairs. I fear I may have been rude unintentially. I was getting some chocolate and overheard three men having a discussion of free will. I thought, "Philosophy! I have ammunition! I just read On Grace and Free Will!" So I stood there and listened openly for five minutes. By this time the discussion had shrunk to two men. THEN, when one guy was saying that he didn't like the idea of irresistible grace I jumped in with the idea of an entirely corrupted will. Total depravity, only I didn't put it in that way, since that phrase seems to elicit a knee-jerk response from some people. At any rate, I commented only one other time, and the discussion ended. The two men walked away, and I realized that maybe jumping into other people's theological discussions without so much as a prior name-exchange might not be the best idea. Oops. Again, I've been spoiled by Class discussions. However, the man who was arguing for irresistible grace is in a leadership position in the church, so that quiets some of the lingering uneasiness I had about the theology. It should be fun.
Now this weekend I have to read 22 pages of Aquinas, learn the three perfect tenses in four conjugations of Latin, translate 12 sentences of Latin, read the 10th book of Paradise Lost, and read Lilith. Easy! Oh, I also have to buttonhole Air Canada. The weekend suddenly looks challenging. Just breathe, and One Day at a Time!
My God is able.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
She's Back!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The trip back (against Air Canada)
Finally, we are allowed to go! But while we've been sitting there we've accumulated enough frost that we now need to be de-iced. The Captain sound quite exasperated when he says that, so I'm not really annoyed. We're all stuck here together, eh? We head out on the runway, the de-icing trucks pull up, the left truck starts to de-ice. The right truck drives in a circle under the wing for 15 minutes! Why?! Eventually the dizzy truck drives away, and the left wing truck de-ices the right wing. We're off! However, we have lost so much time that several people will miss their connections and I will have 18 minutes to make mine. I am at the very back of the plane, and I'm not even sure if I can make it off the plane in 18 minutes.
I keep telling myself the motto for this trip. Last trip's motto was Kyrie Eleieson, Lord have mercy, this trip is My God is able. Will I make the flight? My God is able. Will I get stuck in Montreal? My God is able. Will I have to take the train to Ottawa? My God is able.
My God is able.
This motto helps to keep the panic down when, on arrival at Montreal, all the gates are full and we can't park the plane. The thing is, almost the entire plane is connecting to somewhere else through Montreal. There are people going to Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Miami, Port Blanford, and all with less than an hour to connect now.
I finally make it off the plane, walk with a sense of urgency over to gate 27, and find that my flight was delayed by 30 minutes. I have 10 minutes to spare. *collapses from relief* Incidentally, Moon unit tells me later that her entire church is praying for my flight back. Thank you!!! That flight is in a little propeller plane. 27 minutes in the air, juice and cookies provided.
We land without incident, an hour and a half late, and I go down to collect my baggage. It isn't there. Sue meets me by the baggage carousel, and then we go over to report my "delayed" baggage. (I know just where to go to report the missing bags, because my baggage was "delayed" in September as well.) Sue was also not pleased with the airlines, as she had been bumped off her flight the day before, and they had also delayed her baggage. We drive home. It's nice to be back.
Note: it is now 48 hours since I arrived, and they still don't know where my bags are. I packed my carry on so I could live out of it, but my textbooks are in my check bags, as are my boots, and most of my wardrobe. ( I carried my ipod in my purse.) It shouldn't be nessesary to carry everything you need to live on your person. I've given them three chances, and they've botched it every time. I just don't want to fly Air Canada again. Ever.
The most beautiful place in the world
The drive in was very fun. Daddy was driving, and he had made 4 mix cd's of driving music, everything from country, to blues, to rock, to folk, to pop... So we talked, and listened to music, and took pictures. Essentially, my dad is very excellent.
Once we got into St. John's we went to Costco, and my soul was pleased within me. Warehouse stores... *smiles* A HUGE warehouse with wide aisle, containing everything from wide screen tvs, to canned milk! And the selection is always changing! SO yes, you won't be able to find runners here today, but check back next week. I tell you, if I could, I would do most of my household shopping there, just leaving produce for the grocery store. Gallon jars of marchino cherries, 50 lb bags of flour; the Scottish part of my ancestry is delighted! Unfortunately, there is no way I can shop at a similar store here. It would take me months to get through the amount of bulk they sell in, and I don't have the storage facilities. But someday, I will shop at Costco!
And there was another purchase Daddy made at Costco. An ipod shuffle, for me!
Now I understand Frauline's making a quilt to keep her ipod warm! It's so pretty and shiny and mac and cute. *sighs* Thank you Daddy!
Life is fun.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
"Wow Snazel you look so much thinner! Why do- is that Frauline's sweater? It's not baggy! You look so much thinner!He walks out. I look at my sweater, which I have owned for 6 months.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
My favorite quotes have a story of some kind attached to them, (in addition to being an excellent use of the language.) Sometimes it's a incident in my life, sometimes it's the meaning that was explained to me, or the memories of when I came across those particular words in the past. It doesn't have to be a sharp memory, just a feeling of where I got that phrase.
And moreover, there is weight behind them. Bible quotes have so much more meaning attached to them. You can mull them over for days. Beautiful words, memories, and meaning- best kind.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: [2nd Timothy 4:7]
1st Corinthians 13
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self‑seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part,but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
So amazing!