It was his particular kick at the can. Not that you should ever kick cans. Lovely creatures.This is what I heard my music prof say in music class today. (Insert cat for can and it makes a bit more sense.) Fun times though.
Hmm. I have an inkling that I've entered the February blues two days early. Not so fun.
Anyhow! Third World had her birthday on Sunday, and Moon Unit turned 18 today, so we're having a low grade party all week. Presents are trickling in from Third World's American friends who aren't really understanding how much of a slowdown customs is. "I want mail..." Heh hehe heh
Moon Unit's friends are also sending her things... Her dad works in town, and he stopped by today with flowers. Roses and snapdragons. *smile* It was very cute.
Ha, Third World also had flowers sent her, but that was from a friend at home. He, (yes, he) arranged for them to be delivered on Saturday. We had fun with that. It seems he's just enough of a crazy kind of guy to think up a present like that. (hmm, this is the kind of friend Third world attracts. Insane! However, I'm friends with Third World. What does that say about me? *snazel runs off screaming*)
ahem. Here are some lovely pictures from our Sunday skating party.
RM and Third World tie up Third World's boots. I tell you. 20 ft of nylon rope comes is handy all the time!

Star! (carrying her boots by means of shoelaces)

"Let's just think about this a moment." (note the boots)

"I'll push you. Just glide! Glide!"

After the crash... (Poor Third World is still bruised, what with the boots kicking her in the side, and the crash(s).*sympathy* )

Pressing onwards!

Myself, in front of an official entrance to the canal.

Star! (waiting for RM and Third World to change skates)


Only in Ottawa?

Looking up the canal.

They had blocked off the canal for unspecified safely reasons. So we had to turn around here.

RM had a ball! She's the most city of us all, and was entranced with the idea of skating outside. : )

I hear there are beavertails on the other side of this crowd...


Yummy! A good end to a good day.

Got to go do philosophy now.

Myself, in front of an official entrance to the canal.

Star! (waiting for RM and Third World to change skates)


Only in Ottawa?

Looking up the canal.

They had blocked off the canal for unspecified safely reasons. So we had to turn around here.

RM had a ball! She's the most city of us all, and was entranced with the idea of skating outside. : )

I hear there are beavertails on the other side of this crowd...


Yummy! A good end to a good day.

Got to go do philosophy now.
I'll just say, I'm not totally thrilled with the assignment this week. Because there was a *cough* discussion of free will, we spent an extra week on Aquinas. In addition to having a three-hour class on Monday. Now to get back on schedule we're doing Luther and Machiavelli in one week.
[whine] I like Machiavelli! I wanted to see what my prof would say about him! We had a whole week on him in the schedule! Now we're hardly gonna touch him cause of Luther![/whine]
Now we also have both assignements in one week. We are to say whether Luther agrees with Augustine in "On Grace and Free Will", with reference to both of Luther's excerpts that we read and "On Grace and Free Will". One page. We are also to state WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH MACHIAVELLI! *tired* With reference to the text. In a half or one page.*very tired*
I am supposed to find the flaws in a philosopher that has shaped the way western politics are run for the past five centuries.
*groan* *pain* *crying*
In addition to bringing up Free will again. *abject weeping*
I think I need some chocolate.
I'll just say, I'm not totally thrilled with the assignment this week. Because there was a *cough* discussion of free will, we spent an extra week on Aquinas. In addition to having a three-hour class on Monday. Now to get back on schedule we're doing Luther and Machiavelli in one week.
[whine] I like Machiavelli! I wanted to see what my prof would say about him! We had a whole week on him in the schedule! Now we're hardly gonna touch him cause of Luther![/whine]
Now we also have both assignements in one week. We are to say whether Luther agrees with Augustine in "On Grace and Free Will", with reference to both of Luther's excerpts that we read and "On Grace and Free Will". One page. We are also to state WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH MACHIAVELLI! *tired* With reference to the text. In a half or one page.*very tired*
I am supposed to find the flaws in a philosopher that has shaped the way western politics are run for the past five centuries.
*groan* *pain* *crying*
In addition to bringing up Free will again. *abject weeping*
I think I need some chocolate.
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