My luggage is finally here! It arrived at about 6pm yesterday. Both Pieces. Hooray! Now, if Air Canada will only recompense me for the things I bought for the interim yesterday... Ah well, I got a lovely blue dress for the symphony, and the Lush store was having a sale, so I got some soaps and such.
I went to the Sunday service at the Met today, which was good. I'm still not particularly thrilled at being alone in such a big crowd, but the sermon was good, and there was one good song in the singing. Then when walking out afterwards, I heard the following exchange.
Little Girl: Can we go bowling?
Mother: Not on the Lord's Day.
Little Girl: Can we go swimming?
Mother: We'll go sledding when we get home.
I don't understand what is particularly wrong with bowling on Sunday, but to each his own, I guess?
one is an arrogant spoiled noblewoman, one is a bitter traitor, and one is a insecure emo kid trying to prove himself, and failing.
I have discovered an issue with my reading style. If I'm reading something which I enjoy, like Lilith, I feel I must finish it in one sitting. 250 pages, gone. However, if I'm reading something I'm not a fan of, such as Aquinas, I have no issue whatsoever with walking away from it. I need to switch those!
And, what else is going on... Oh, I'm going on a retreat with the Met Young Adults! Next weekend. It's at the Tim Horton's Camp, and we've been promised "coffee on tap". Hmm, not so sure that wasn't sarcasm, but it should be fun!
-end random thought snippets-
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