Monday, January 28, 2008

Don't you know who you are?

The title came from my Philosophy notes. I went through and wrote them out neatly. It's something I've been avoiding lately, *shame* so now it feels good to have that done. I also finished my Latin translations. I'm on FIRE!

*awkward silence*

No, not at all really, it just feels nice to be on top of my school work for "this one moment in time." That's another Philosophy quote, actually. I love that class. I don't necessarily agree with everything, but it always makes me think hard, and logically, which is fun, right?


someone back me up here?

Speaking of studying things which I like- (yes, I know I wasn't really talking about that, but hush please. I'm scrambling madly for thought transitions.) I had a funny talk with one of Em's friends on Sunday. He's a rather blunt medievalist. Moon-unit, Em and I had gone to Evensong, and we stayed afterwards for conversation and tea. As it will, the conversation moved to; "what are you doing next year?" Moon-unit said that she was taking Library Tech, and we talked about that for a while. Then attention was turned on me. *swallow*

You know how much I love that question, chiefly because of my complete inability to answer it in anything near a normal fashion. I don't think I have ever been ever to roll off a pat answer, and this time was no different. The conversation went something like this.
Me- "I think I'm going to take some correspondence courses from home."
Em's Friend- "Really? What subjects?
Me- *cheerfully resolute* "Cooking, English, History, and Computer Programming."
Em's Friend- "That's bizzare!"
Me- "Well, I'm bizzare."
Moon-unit- "You said it!"
The conversation moved on from there.

It is a bizzare combination, true, but it's what I'm interested in. Actually, adding glassblowing or bead weaving, and pottery making wouldn't have gone amiss, but I don't talk about those in mixed company. *slow evil smile* Who knows, I may find after one term that I hate cooking, or programming, or love it. Who even really knows.
I don't, for certain sure, but it looks to be fun finding out!

I can tell I've been doing Latin. First I think in Latin Syntax, and then when that wears off I think in some type of Celtic for a term, and then I'm back in my normal *cough* unique, thought patterns.

On a totally different tangent, I find that Third World has very good taste in books. I can just go in and steal a book of her shelf, (not, that I've done that) and enjoy it! And no, that is not just because I enjoy any book I read. I certainly do not like every book I come across. Em's taste is quite different than mine, say. Lamd's is right over the edge of different! Anyways, it's fun to meet someone who's taste coincides with mine.

What else...

There is a college talent show next Tuesday. It should be interesting. I don't really have any performance talents, but thankfully there are lots of people here who are extremely talented in that direction. It should be good!


Brain is shutting down, but won't shut off...

Oh, we went skating on the canal on Sunday, which was quite fun. I crammed my feet into a pair of size 7 skates. I had remembered much more than I thought I had. (I had remembered, that would be in the past perfect tense?) I only fell once, and managed to turn that into a one knee slide. Yes, the six years of ballet lessons have paid rich dividends! I brought my camera along, and our party of four took turns taking pictures. Third World didn't take pictures though. She had skates that were MUCH too big. The kind where you skate half the time on your ankle bones. *pain* However, she traded skates with RM half way through, and that helped them both. By that time Star and I couldn't feel our feet at all. hmmmm

Despite the skate issues, it was very fun, and we fell hardly at all. It was yummy too. We stopped for beaver tails, and Third World; the kind, the benevolent, the one with money, bought me one as well.

Wow, I think it's time to head for bed. The brain is trying to shut down in actual fact.

One last philosphy quote;
His life lasted till his death.
Gotta love it.

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