Sunday, April 20, 2008

"What you should be worrying about... is your Eyebrows!"

I'll just say, the weather here is marvelous. I went through a couple of days of feeling not at all comfortable without a chill in the air, or a coat on, but now I've remembered what warm weather is like. Such a strange thing. *shakes head*

I'll be flying home on next Tuesday- West Jet. Yes, I took an extra two days in Ottawa, including a day when I am the only student left in the College, in an effort to avoid flying Air Canada. Here is the plan of my time in the intervening space.
  • to do:
    • Monday
      • Move Computer files to Portable hard Drive
      • Write thank you letter for College
      • pack shipping boxes
    • Tuesday
      • Deep-clean house
    • Wednesday
      • Lord of the Rings Marathon!
    • Thursday
      • oral exam
    • Friday
      • Mailing boxes and Sally Ann
    • Saturday
      • Grad
    • Sunday
      • church
    • Monday
      • donate blood
    • Tuesday
      • Fly home
Looks doable, no? *nods* I can do this! Oh, and sometime in there, I need to do some birthday present acquisition for the four brothers who are having birthdays in my absence. Right. "You know I'm a poor student who has no conception of money?...."

[note: navel-gazing type musings follow. read at your own risk.]
And on a completely different tack, Third World, Moon Unit and I were discussing public school and its probable effect on us. We pretty much agreed that Moon Unit and Third World would have been the same people had they gone through Public School, but that I wouldn't be the same. Quote: "You'd either be a total follower, or completely outcast." I agree, really. I could see myself going in about 8 different directions, none of them positive. In thinking about this, I had two reactions, one positive and one, not.

On the one hand, I'm really glad that my parents kept me out of Public School for that reason. While it would have been interesting to see how I turned out, it would be interesting in about the same way that it is interesting to see what colours of mold grow on the unidentifiable things in the back of the fridge. Sick fascination.

On the other hand, the not-so-positive one, it doesn't make me very confident for the future. Oh joy, I have so little of my own personality that I can't be trusted to go out in public. My powers of self-delusion seem to be exceptional. What if I was to go to a College or University outside of the house? Would I lose myself then too? Do I even have my own personality, or am I such a social chameleon that I just take on the interests of the people I'm surrounded by? (protective coloring, right.) Will I EVER be able to stand on my own?

I don't see it being much of an issue once I return home, cause, in all honesty, I really don't see the potential for friends outside of my family. The high schoolers in my small town are all scared of me anyways, and they're all obsessed with topics I mercifully am not interested in; namely, high school marks and the high school drama of the moment. People over High school age are either gone off to university, and therefore in a higher social bracket than I, or moving in crowds where I have no experience and don't want any. The hard-drinking Fort Mac crowd? No, thank you. I don't even know most of the words, much less how to communicate. :P That leaves people over the age of 30, who are nice to me, but not really friends, and my family. Moreover, my brother PT has now moved out on his own, which cuts my social scene significantly. Seriously significantly. If you include my parents, it cuts it by a quarter.

Okay, maybe I'm being overly pessimistic. Who knows, maybe there'll be some interesting, intelligent, safe, and not-scared-of-me people near my age in town when I get back. Or maybe I'm drawing the lines too thick, and I can be friends with people who I already am acquainted with. Or maybe I'll just have friends online for the foreseeable future.

My, but I'm not looking forward to leaving Third World and Moon Unit. I do think I am myself with them, whoever that is. {Totally insane, and likes books!} Moon Unit has been going home on weekends so I'm partially used to her not being here, but Third World and I have been basically in each other's constant company since January. *cries* I hung out with RM a lot last term, but she started moving on to other friends in November, and even earlier we didn't do much together: Baking and talking, and occasional Latin. Third World and I wrote novels together, for heaven's sake. I haven't had such a close friend who I wasn't related to since I was 6. Bah, why does Oregon have to be 5.5 time zones and another country away anyways? For goodness sake, the nearest people I would be able to visit, (those who make it to St. X's in Cape Breton) would be at least 500 dollars to even get to the mainland, and then you have accommodation and food costs. Bah humbug.

Yeah, so, the weather here is nice, I'm having a low grade identity crisis, am I even a person? I'm not looking forward to splitting up from my friends, and aside from those minor stresses, and the family members who are hospitalized, I'm doing fine.

I just have to remember, I can't see the future. I can always make what's coming seem bleaker than it actually is. Even when it's worse than I foresaw, it's always easier to bear than I think it will be.

Right, I can't see the future.

Just breathe.


Bahnree said...


Oh and I'm not sure what I said in that conversation, but I don't think I'd be the same if I went to Public school. I'm not sure what I'd be, but i would be a lot different. Probably a lot less cool. Because I am, after all, awesome. And so are you, by the way. So don't be silly and underestimate yourself.

Snazel said...

thanks... *hugs Moon Unit and Third World*

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