So there has been much celebration upon the advent of PT's return for four days, and upon the morrow we perhaps shall venture unto T'gate, there to climb cliffs and take profuse pictures of our siblings participating in the aforementioned vertical activity. Moreover, I have not the slightest idea why I am talking in this manner, unless it is perhaps attributable to the Tylenol, Midol and Coffee I have been eating over the course of the past five hours.
I've discovered the effects pane in iphoto, which causes me much joy. And yes, that is a tree I was wearing in my hair yesterday. I was gardening, see.
I was trying so very hard to figure out what your latest fb profile pic depicted. But now I know. Though, it is slightly disconcerting that an explanation involving a tree in your hair would cause anything to make more sense to me.
Also, you look subtly displeased about something in the second photo. Perhaps the change in the world's colour spectrum that had occurred just then.
Also also, I have decided to start using your word verification things as names in my stories. "Puddlech" is just too good to pass up.
I'm SO glad to have the tree thing cleared up!!! When you tweeted or fbed or whatever about having a tree in your hair I got all sorts of mental pictures, but none of them matches teh reel thing. :D
That's LOVELY Snazel, the tree becomes you, really! :D
Thank you, thank you all. :D
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