Friday night was Movie Night! We're so awesome, we had to start our "night" at 4:30, with punch and doughnuts and pizza and root beer and, uh, pie. A whole bunch of Moon Unit's friends from homeschooling events and such came over, and we completely took over the (fortunately soundproof) family room. Fortunately I already had met quite about half of the attendees, which included Zaktrik, Boudewijn, and Rose! *cheering is heard*
However, it has been brought to my attention that apparently Rose, Moon Unit and I all look rather similar. Something about our hair colour, glasses, eccentric dress and deranged manner. And to further confound the issue, apparently Rose and I have a similar manner of standing in corners and watching people. At any rate, one of the guests walked up and hugged me when she walked in. Moon Unit said, "Oh, *Joss,* this is *Snazel*, who you've heard a lot about-" and Joss jumped back, mortified. "Oh, I thought you were *Rose*!" This served as a good ice breaker, in fact, especially since when Rose arrived everyone had to tell her the story.
And then we had supper, which was lovely. You know, I was gonna caption these pictures, but on looking at them, I really don't think it's necessary.
Anyhow, we watched Singin' in the Rain first. It's an older movie, 1952, and hilarious. You should all see it. :D It's a musical, as you may have noticed from the title, and knows it's a musical. Doesn't take its self too seriously? Lots of lovely quotes- my title is one- and pretty song and dance routines.
Reload and regroup for movie two! We made another punch bowl, broke into the squares, and settled in for MirrorMask. This one's written by Neil Gaiman, which, if you're familiar with that writer, gives you a fair idea the film. The majority of it is inside a dream, for one. Moon Unit was describing it to people as "very trippy." It just looks so different, all kinds of different. *looks at what she's just written* Did I actually say "all kinds of different?" Impressive. *cough* Anyway... I'd watched it once before, with Third World and Moon Unit, after midnight while studying for exams. And my initial impression of "this is so on drugs. But I like it!" was reaffirmed. I could pay attention to little things this time, instead of just being confused over the plot. I'm not sure if those who hadn't seen it liked it, though. It is a very strange film.
When we were done with MirrorMask, it was still only 8:30. And since going home then would just be toooo "homeschooler," a label we're all eager to avoid- *chokes* *coughing fit*- we decided to watch another! Enter Signs, which I hadn't seen, though most everyone else had. I don't scream in scary movies, I'll just say that right now, but I definitely flinch. It worked out that we had the screamers on one side of the room, and the flinchers on the other side. :D I nearly crushed Moon Unit's hand at one point. Look, when you're in a dark room with eerie film playing, you want to know where someone else is! Right? Right. *serious nod* And it wasn't my favorite movie of all time, but it was interesting. And jumpy, at least for several people, as I believe I mentioned. Hands poking out from under doors just do interesting things to my heart rate.
And then it was 11:30, and everyone went home, secure in the knowledge that they'd done their part towards not being "Homeschoolers." :D
OH MY GOSHHHHHH I LOVE SIGNS! I've been getting signs (seriously!) lately that I need to watch Signs again. Everyone keeps talking about it! The same with A Knight's Tale, actually. But yeah, LOVE THAT MOVIE
Actually I also LOOOOOOOOVE Singin in the Rain. Good mornin', good morrrrnin! It's great to stay up late, good mornin, good mornin, to YOUUUU! I love cosmo in that movie.
Cosmo is pretty much the best. I remember seeing it for the first time and vaguely thinking that's what Gollum would be like if he got into showbiz.
I'm not sure why. *confused at brain*
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