Due to the late night on Friday, Rose stayed the night at Moon Unit's house. And in the morning, one of the things we did was take a ramble around Moon Unit's property. It's pretty, I see why Moon Unit likes it. *nods* According to tradition, I took pictures and walked into tree branches.
And then we went and met up with Zaktrik and Rose's older brother and his friend in the nearby town of /Location Censored/. We were going to watch Wolverine, which had just come out. In the Theatre! *jazz hands* I'm usually about a three hour drive away from a theatre, so I don't get in to see movies much. And this was a very fun one.
[Movie thoughts]
- Deadpool was lovely, until he stopped talking. My title is one of his lines.
- I less than three Bolt/Bradley. All his lights. *grins*
- Sabertooth was lame and insane.
- Gambit needs his own movie. How Gambit Breaks Out Of The Island, yes plz?
- Cyclops was shiny when he wasn't being a microphone for Professor X.
- Agent Zero was shiny when he was fighting, and lame otherwise.
- Wolverine was not as much fun as when he was in the X-men movies.
- There was a plot?
- If you didn't like the X-men movies, don't go and see it. It has the same flavor as the previous three.
- The fight scenes were EXCELLENT.
- The music was good.
[/Movie thoughts]
I think Deadpool needs his own movie as well. After he gets his mouth un-sewn.
Those are good thoughts! Except I'm not really a Deadpool fan, despite the fact he had all the best lines. :D I guess it was just cuz he didn't really get any development, and then next time we see him he's like Zombiefied Zombie master.
But he's a mercenary with shiny swords! What's not to love?
He's really awesome in the comics. Which I have yet to read, but this is the consensus. *pushes her towards comics*
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