Due to the late night on Friday, Rose stayed the night at Moon Unit's house. And in the morning, one of the things we did was take a ramble around Moon Unit's property. It's pretty, I see why Moon Unit likes it. *nods* According to tradition, I took pictures and walked into tree branches.
You'll notice there are no pictures of me here? That's because I am nefariously clever and deflected any picture-taking by taking all the pictures anyone might possibly want myself, and also because I caught a branch or two with my face. No, no pictures, please.
And then we went and met up with Zaktrik and Rose's older brother and his friend in the nearby town of /Location Censored/. We were going to watch Wolverine, which had just come out. In the Theatre! *jazz hands* I'm usually about a three hour drive away from a theatre, so I don't get in to see movies much. And this was a very fun one.
[Movie thoughts]
- Deadpool was lovely, until he stopped talking. My title is one of his lines.
- I less than three Bolt/Bradley. All his lights. *grins*
- Sabertooth was lame and insane.
- Gambit needs his own movie. How Gambit Breaks Out Of The Island, yes plz?
- Cyclops was shiny when he wasn't being a microphone for Professor X.
- Agent Zero was shiny when he was fighting, and lame otherwise.
- Wolverine was not as much fun as when he was in the X-men movies.
- There was a plot?
- If you didn't like the X-men movies, don't go and see it. It has the same flavor as the previous three.
- The fight scenes were EXCELLENT.
- The music was good.
[/Movie thoughts]
I think Deadpool needs his own movie as well. After he gets his mouth un-sewn.
Those are good thoughts! Except I'm not really a Deadpool fan, despite the fact he had all the best lines. :D I guess it was just cuz he didn't really get any development, and then next time we see him he's like Zombiefied Zombie master.
But he's a mercenary with shiny swords! What's not to love?
He's really awesome in the comics. Which I have yet to read, but this is the consensus. *pushes her towards comics*
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