Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"It's a happy day/ and things are gonna get better..."

The memorial was today, and it was really good. I'm not that excited about social occasions in general, but this was not nearly as painful as I was expecting. The testimonies were good, the people who came honestly cared and were respectful, and the eulogy Daddy gave was brilliant. I had tears dripping off my chin at one point, which was unexpected. 

Then after the service we came back to the house, along with people who came from out of town, and had coffee and munchies. Oh, and I killed a car battery. It was exciting. Apparently, one is supposed to check and see if the lights are still on before one goes inside the building. But I got to see booster cables used, which was interesting and sparky. Of course, given that I was the one driving, no one was surprised. The way everyone seems to expect me to careen into buildings while driving is both useful, and a little disappointing. Disappointing, cause I don't INTEND to go skating all over the road. Useful, cause, well, when it happens, er, people don't get TOO mad at me.

I haven't been driving in a little while, er, all right, quite some time, er, all right, over a year, and I'm a little out of practice. So somethings, like judging distance, for example, aren't quite second nature right now. This probably isn't really helped by the fact that I DO NOT get worked up when I'm driving. It's like I take a shot of adrenaline while getting into the car, making my heart rate go up- and then it stays exactly the same for however many hours or minutes I'm behind the wheel. Perfect weather and no one on the road, I'm upright and unmoved. Slush over ice and cars everywhere you look, and I'm upright and unmoved. Whereas I really should be reacting more to massive parking lots, getting lost in cities, and other joyful multi-coloured traumas of the past few weeks. Seriously, for the first time I went driving in the city, chooseing to do so over the lunch hour, when I didn't know where I was going, was not an experience without its fair share of very calm panic. I had to stay within grenade distance of the rest of the family convoy, which is NOT EASY IN A CROWDED CITY STREET. *cough*

That's about all my news. Valeo!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

This is where I gloat, right?

It has come to my attention that I'm supposed to, according to tradition, write a blog post gloating over all my loot. So here goes!

I got; 
  • A lovely box of toffifees that are mostly gone,
  • Three jolly striped shirts,
  • A whole host of fuzzy socks,
  • A Montreal Canadiens hat and Toronto Maple Leaves mittens, (from the same person, none the less),
  • Two pairs of PJs, pink and red, respectively, and some "pure seduction" body spray,
  • A paperback copy of Twilight,
  • A desk lamp,
  • Some pens and a shiny magnetic Journal,
  • A bath set or four,
  • A bunch of gift cards, for chapters, american eagle, and itunes. 
  • From PT;
  • Genocide, Its political use in the 20th century
  • Lyisitrata, by Aristophanes
  • The Transitive Vampire, a handbook of grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed
  • Othello
  • Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles
  • and a 2G thumbdrive.
It should become apparent that a lot of the gifts were given me by people who didn't know me. :D But still, I got a lot of nice things, whether the person who was buying them had a clue who I was or not. 

Friday, December 26, 2008

"What are you doing here all by your eyelashes?"

Christmas is over, and I'm STILL tired. That may be attributable to the fact that I didn't have coffee yet today, though. Hmmmmm.... 

Anyhow, Christmas. We had what was quite possible the most lavish and epic Christmas I have ever been witness too. We started at 8:00 am, with the unwrapping. And we went until 11:00 am, then took a half hour break for breakfast. The unwrapping commenced again, and continued till 1:30 pm, when we broke for lunch. After a long lunch, and some staring at the wall, we started again at 3:30 pm. We finished the unwrapping at 5:00 pm. Now, for some families that may be normal, but not this one. It took at LEAST twice as long as normal. People have been so incredibly generous, it just boggles the mind. 

So unwrapping took most of the day. Then PT, the Walrus, Fraulein and I watched Walrus's new movie Transformers in the evening. It was a fun film, so long as I completely suspended all disbelief relating to the Military, and Law Enforcement, and the Intelligence Community, and how Relationships work. Oh, and massive transforming intelligent robots/vehicles. I mean, the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE was running things? And buddy broke an audio signal just by putting a thumb drive containing it in his computer? Blink, heartbeat heartbeat, and we're seeing all these massive secrets-Right, suspension of disbelief. SUSPEND... *big grin* The Walrus really liked it though, and I thought it was fun, so twas all good. Oh and Moonunit called for 20 minutes, which was terribly jolly. It put me in a good mood. :D

And now today I've spent most of the day sleeping, so I should really work on looking alive and going for a walk or something.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Just Get Me Through December"

My little brother died yesterday. He was four years old, and too much joy to be contained. 

And I just don't know anything. The world is different, that's for sure. Maybe I've grow up a little more, maybe I'm still in shock and denial, but I certainly don't look at life in the same way. Life- both the living of it and the fact of morality, has taken on a different aspect. 

Because my little brother is no longer here, and everything reminds me of him in some way. He loves blue, and kinder eggs, and cars, and the whole wild world. He gives his full attention to whatever he is doing, oh my little brother. 

No, I'm not using the present tense by accident. I believe- no, I don't believe, I know, that he's in a better place. He has no more pain, no more uncertainty, no more tears. He's free. And for him, we'll see him tomorrow. We just have a longer tomorrow to get through than he does. 

His death was peaceful, and even the days and hours before were free of stress for him. I have a mental snapshot from the day before, which encapsulates the hospital time for me. Gid was sleeping, and had been all day, and I was just watching him from across the room. Snow was falling. There was only one small light on in the room, so it was getting darker as night fell. A fan caused the curtains to brush against each other, and the IV pump made small popping noises every couple of seconds. Daddy was playing acoustic guitar, and Mommy and Fraulein and I listened to him and to Gid breathing. It was an incredible span of time. There was so much sorrow and so much joy, somehow held side by side. 

The strange thing is that I really still can't take it in. My mind keeps trying to segment my memory, saying that that wasn't Gid, my little brother is still somewhere around here, and I'm going to poke my head around a corner and see him sleeping. It's so strange. I'll probably be trying to fit my head around it for quite some time. Years, most likely. 

Anyhow, that's my big news. And if you thought my sense of humour was dark and twisted before, you might want to avoid me from now on. 

Note: I've been trying to write this for a little while. Please ignore the continuity error. 

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gideon is sleeping peacefully, so far as I know.

I don't have any words for today. It wasn't painful, particularly. It's moved beyond mere pain, into something far more complicated and world-altering. Maybe in a couple of days, or months, or years, I'll be able to capture it. But today I have no words.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"And you won't read that book again because the ending's just too hard to take."

I got asked if I was Fraulein's twin again today. I tell you, hair dye is looking REALLY good right about now. 

That was about it. Oh, I wrote some silliness on my novel. 
PT visited the hospital, in company with his GF.

I think December is a really messed up month anyhow. And this year only throws the enforced gaiety into more garish contrast. 

I'm tired really early now, which is odd. This is my excuse for this really unenlightening blog post. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Let's put a pin in this conversation. Poke! There, and we are not coming back to it until it's resolved."

Empire Theaters somehow heard about our situation, (who knows really what they heard- let's not ask for the sob story) and they donated tickets for us all to go see Bolt! Tickets for all the children, even the twenty year old ones. :D The movie was very fun, and thankfully the humour was such that I didn't have to feel protectively embarrassed for the small ones at all. So either I'm really hardened to sketchiness, I wasn't very observant, or it was actually a clean kids' movie!

Let me see; the animation was shiny, the music was fun, when I noticed it, and the story, though generic let's-introduce-the-children-to-betrayal-and-deception-at-age-four, was enjoyable. And the characters were lovely. As is my tradition, I wasn't that crazy about the main heartwarming characters, but there were oodles of other marvelous people. *rubs hands together* Rhino the hamster, you know you are made of awesome. :D But not as much awesome as Mittens the cat. Offering pigeons your protection... *chortles*

Oh, and then Fraulein and I dared the mall, and I bought a root beer float and some jeans. At different stores. (Yes, I know that is a shock to you.) And I swear, I give off some kind of meek'n'harmless'n'invisible vibe, because I stood there for five minutes in front of AW and watched them fill straws, quietly seething, and they just filled the straws, and looked at me, and filled the straws, and looked at me, and put away the straws, and chatted about breaks, and totally neglected to ask me if I wanted anything. Only pure a steely resolve to not go back to my seat empty handed retained that $3.79 for the coffers of AW.

And then we walked back to the Janeway and watched Gid breathe for a couple of hours. As I'm writing this, Fraulein and Mommy have ventured out to purchase some Pizza, Daddy's reading, Gid's breathing, and I'm, uh, writing. Good times being coherent, eh?

Fraulein and I watched another movie last night, which was the new Pride and Prejudice. The one with Keira Knightly, that is only 2.5 hours long, I mean. We decided that it is a good movie, though not quite as good as the six hour BBC version, and rather interestingly americanized. I mean, all the people walking around in disheveled undergarments, bubbling over with emotional protestations, (while sober)? Not terribly British, donchaknow. And it even looks like it's set in colonial America for much of the movie. Intentional? Really? You think? But as I said, we both think it was a good movie. :D

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Yes, I am going blog EXTENSIVELY about your vest."

No, that was a lie. I shall just mention that Fraulein has a new vest, a denim vest, from winners, that was on sale, and that looks rather spectacularly stylish. She is wearing it today.

Yesterday, she was wearing jeans that fitted marvelously, a stylish blue t-shirt that I am unable to describe other than it was royal blue and stylish, white rosebud earrings, pretty nike sneaks, and a pearl necklace. I, on the other hand, was wearing; a black "Newfoundland Liberation Army" t-shirt that didn't fit quite as well as Fraulein's, a man's black pinstriped fedora, cargo pants that definitely didn't belong to me to the point that I had to borrow my 13 year old brother's studded leather belt to keep them on, and my brown Helly Hanson runners (which happen to be men's shoes, by the way.) There is a reason we don't borrow clothing from each other's closets, you see. We have rather different tastes. Despite this, people keep mistaking us for each other. I am starting to be tempted to dye my hair red, just to escape the comments.

Anyhow, Fraulein and I were out by the nurses' station waiting to go back to the hotel yesterday, and looked each other up and down.
Fraulein: *hopeful* "Maybe now people won't say we look alike!"
Nurse: *approaching us* "Are you girls twins, or just sisters?"

Then today, I dug deeply into my suitcase that mainly contains books and came up with a denim dress (home schooler uniform!) and cream pashmina. So when a kind elderly man came by to give us some bread and cookies, he assumed that I was my father's wife.

What will people take me for tomorrow? Stay tuned to see.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Turn your down upside-"

Nine people in a three bedroom apartment explores new boundaries of- something. Particularly since I'm not allowed to get mad. It doesn't work, when everyone is living on a knife edge anyhow. Heh. So I'm odder than usual, if you're unfortunate enough to come into contact with me. And given that we're trying to save money on food, I may be losing weight to boot.

It's very strange.

I really don't have words other than that.

I don't know all these people at the Hospital anyhow; I was always the one who stayed home, and then I went away to College, and then they weren't going in and out every often. So there are so many good friends, people my parents have gone through terrible darkness with, and I don't have a clue who they are.

Everything has changed, again, except for all the things which are hardest to deal with. I know I'm not making any sense, sorry. Let's start this over again, shall we?

I took the youngsters over to the university food court-ish, thing; which was fun. Most of the students are already finished with finals, so we escaped the regular, *cough* crowd. However, tomorrow we're going on an expedenure in the MUN-nles, which shows promising signs towards being traumatic. Loosing small children in the bowels of a major university! Fun times! Oh, and I also dared the laundromat, which was rather amusing. It's just a closet at the bottom of the stairs in the apartments building we're staying in. Anyhow, the lights are on a motion sensor, which means that they're automatically on when you walk in the door. However, if you're sitting on the dryer reading, they go off every four minutes or so. Which means that you have to wave your hands about, or stand up and sit down, or something. At the end of a dryer cycle I wasn't even looking up, I just blinked and threw my arms around a bit whenever the lights died. :D

That's about it, I suppose. I should let Fraulein use the internet.

Oh, I just remembered something.It seems that for at least the last four months, my brother and his GF have watched only one movie, over and over. And the the movie that won that position? Borat.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

His strength is made perfect in weakness.

It has swiftly, though not unexpectedly, come up that the family is going into St. John's. I'm not sure how long we'll be there, or how much internet access I'll have. For those who I've not been able to tell "personally" over the internet, I'll miss you, and have a great Christmas.

Oh, and I fail at mailing, and spent too much time looking at gifts instead of sending them, so your presents will be VERY late. I'm sorry.

*waves and disappears*

Friday, December 12, 2008

First Lines Survey

Stolen from Bahnree : post the first line of the first entry of every month of the last year.

January: My little brothers drinking tea in the kitchen.
February: I'm in a happy place today.
March: Wow, look how the time flies.
April: Well, it's finally arrived
May: I keep realizing more pieces of how Augustine has affected the way I think.
June: Today was a one of those days which just feels vaguely successful.
July: Several things of note have happened since I last posted.
August: After Seaworld we were doing a lot of traveling, and then I was back to work, so I wasn't writing daily journals.
September: So.
October: We had the police in at work today.
November: Now that NaNoWriMo has officially started, I don't think I will be posting here very much for the next month
December: So, I though I'd do this game with my Nano soundtrack, since it has, I think 200 songs in it?

September is genius. :P

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"I feel, like I'm slowly slowly slowly slipping under."

It's exam week! Only a few more days of torment, and then I can turn off my brain! 

Oh, wait.

That's not me, is it?

It's been rather interesting to see exam week again. Because, I'm not in it this time. For one thing, there is very little in MY schedule that is showing the advent of the christmas season. My christmas vacation consists of three days off; Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day. And I don't have all the racheting stress of exams to overcome and be relived of. :D That doesn't stop me from acting insane, but that's just me, you know. And for another thing, most of my friends have been weeping and gnashing their teeth over papers and exams. Oh, and not sleeping. Seriously, even if you don't have to wake up till noon, staying up till seven is just not on the list of brilliant plans. *sighs* Oh well, I'm not in that world now, so I suppose I can't really comment. Hmm....

Oh, but I got a money order for college sent off this morning! So now I've killed 27% of the debt, leaving only eight grand to chip away. :D It gradually shrinks...

Last year about this time, I was looking forward to going home, (soon to have my hopes cruelly dashed by Air Canada,) and thanking God for providing me with food for the past four months. Last year really was a practice session in how to trust that God would provide for my needs. When I needed friends, he sat them in my lap. (Sometimes literally. :) When I needed books, he provided sales! And when I needed food, he provided money, food, leftovers, generous housemates, and a strong stomach; all at the appropriate times. I went the whole year, didn't ask for food or money from a person, and managed to gain weight. :D However, I have issues with remembering the nice lessons God lays out for me, it seems, because I have been spending the last month or more freaking out about travel plans. Where am I going to go? How much will it cost? Am I ever going to see my friends again in my life? Will I ever escape my job? *winds self into a small knot over non-issues and whimpers* Then God quietly poked me in the head in the middle of the night and told me to CALM DOWN. So I did. Calm for me, at any rate. :D Now the plan is to see what travel plans God provides me with. He provided Augustine, after all. I'm sure he has some other crazy offers waiting to drop. *grins* One things for sure, the future isn't going to be boring- it never is. Now if I can only manage to remember that this time...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Hello Hello, I'm at a place called Vertigo."

The Christmas Season has begun! Actually, now that I think on it, there have been a startling amount of social events I've attended since I last blogged. I should detail them.

Fraulein and I survived the Brownie Party tonight with a minimum of carnage or glue fights, and hopefully not too many embarrassing pictures that will turn up on facebook. *cough* 

Last Tuesday was the Happy Tree opening, which is a classic small town event. The small children singing carols they don't know, the PA system which mysteriously, (no one knows how) goes on the fritz, the Cadet band with instruments done up in tinsel, the program which- despite it being exactly the same as last year- no one knows. For those who aren't in this town, the Happy Tree is a charitable, uh, thing, where people donate gifts all December, and then they are distributed on Christmas eve to "disadvantaged families." (Which one year included us, for some reason. *shakes head in wonderment*)

Then on Thursday was the Christmas Tree lighting, which was basically the same as the Happy Tree, only outside. It was also QUITE cold outside, which makes one look at crowds in a different way. Normally in crowds I'm freakishly aware of everyone within arm's reach of me, and they'd better stay that distance away. This time, the arm's length thing is dispensed with entirely. I realized this after it came to my attention that I was less than an inch away from an unknown teenage boy in a leather jacket and knitted beanie. Never seen him before then, but I could now describe the back of his neck. :P Thankfully right after I noticed this, Sam upset his stroller with himself in it, and I had an excuse to barge out of the crowd and get Sam some hot chocolate. 

Oh, and on Saturday was the Santa Claus Parade! My, this town is a happening place. I am now the proud possessor of a coupon for a small order of free fries, and Gid got to ride in the fire truck. :D

I need to get back in the blogging habit, my brain is refusing to turn over. Ah well, I'll try again tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"That was a very interesting sentence until you finished it."

I made it back unscathed! Pretty much. I did live through five hours in the Avalon Mall though, so who knows what lasting mental damage that may have inflicted. Then on Sunday I got to go to Ms. B's and PT's and PT's GF's Church, which was fun. They said their third largest budgetary expense, after the building and the pastor, was coffee. My Kind Of People! The music was very Pentecostal, but they seemed since, which I can respect. And there was a guest speaker, so I'm not quite sure what the teaching actually is like. But there also was a potluck afterwards, which was scrummy. Hurrah for free food! Oh, and PT and his GF were walking downtown to see the christmas parade, so I had to take my things out of the car and bring them back to the church, where I was being picked up. However, the church is downtown, so they lock the doors after normal service hours. Which led to me being locked out of a church, and hammering lightly on the doors. :D I mainly sat on my suitcase and waited for someone to come out, but there definitely was a little bit of beating on the door going on. Then they let me in and I had chocolate cake, so it was all good.

On, on the first night I was wearing a pashmina, for grace and the fact that I can hid under it of anyone looks at me. Then when I went up to get coffee a lady looked at me and said; "What you're wearing looks nice! It looks like you're wearing a tablecloth, but on you it looks good!" :D

And a quote from PT's GF. "You know today is the first day of Advent? That means today is going to be a day for Extraordinary things."

Last night Fraulein and I watched Prince Caspian! Since we are avid Narnian Fan girls, we've been waiting impatiently for it to come out on DVD. We don't have a theatre in town, remember? And it was fun. We decided that Peter is generally an idiot, and Susan doubly so. Seriously woman, what is with the leather corset with buckles and such? ISH. And the whole kissing Caspian in front of the crowd, and "you might want to call me sometime-" *facepalm* However, Edmund and Lucy were marvelous, and we love the mice. :D "You are a mouse." I'm still a little if-ish about Miraz and the Telmarines. The whole story was so very far from the book that you have to divide your brain into two stories for the book and the movie. And I'm not sure if the Telmarines are scary or simply a mindless horde of spanish men. I'll have to watch it again with a critical eye. :D

In other news, I'm technically done with Nano now. So I suppose I have to try and break the habit of spending every possible moment on my laptop. *sigh* I know you're weeping for my sad plight. :P But first I just have to read some of the shiny NanoNovels my genius internet friends wrote.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is your brain, on NANO.

So, I though I'd do this game with my Nano soundtrack, since it has, I think 200 songs in it? Or sommat? *looks* Oh, only 157. Shame. I must go shopping. ANYHOW, I've been wanting to do this for some time, but it takes time, and so I wreaked havoc instead. *chuckles*


Set your music player on shuffle. For each new “scene” note down the song that comes next. So no cheating. Unless you feel it’s necessary to skip a tune (say, the same song comes up twice, etc.)

Opening Credits: Forever and Alway, Taylor Swift
Uh, this doesn't bode well. 
"It rains in your bedroom/ everything is wrong/ it rains when you're here/it rains when you're gone.."
But it IS a good song. *cheery*

Waking Up: Somewhere I Belong, Linkin Park
"I had nothing to say/ I got lost in the nothingness inside of me..."

Average Day: Pilgrim, Sarah Slean
"little blood and vomit on the vomit on the car seat/ and a tooth is sitting in my lap/brother if you're hungry but not wounded/it's time to stop and check the map."
This explains a lot, actually. :D

First Date: Alas My Love, dc Talk
"Alas my love we say goodbye/ Wipe the poison from my brow/Alas my love this guilty night/ Gives me up like a foster child/And in this moment I take my vow with these angels sleeping at my feet/ And in this moment you do not know how..."
This is my FIRST DATE? Good grief. 

Falling In Love: Shadowland, Sarah Slean
"There is no enemy/ There is nothing lacking/ You are perfect/ Swinging all ways and all directions/ You are Too Much and Too Little's child."
I could see how this works. *happy*

Fight scene: All She Wants To Do Is Dance, Eagles
"Molotov Cocktails/ the local drink/ And she wants to do is dance, dance/ Mix them up right in the kitchen sink/ And all she wants to do is dance."


Breaking Up: Between You and Me, dc talk< "Sorrow is a lonely feeling/ unsettled is a painful place/ I've lived with both for far too long now/ Since we parted ways/ I've been wrestling with my conscience/ and I find myself to blame..." 
Wow. Uh, yeah. WOW. That's not applicable now, is it!?

Getting Back Together: Silhouette, White Heart
"I hear the rustle of the fallen leaves/ racing through the autumn hues/ and my heart is racing faster than the wind/ feel the beauty of it all come through..."
Dang it, that works really well too. At least we know what time of year it's gonna happen. :P

Secret Love: Ways & Means, Snow Patrol
Wow. He even has the stalker voice going on.
"Maybe I can do it if I put my back into it/I can leave ya if I wanted but there's no where else I can go/Maybe I won't suffer it I find a way to love er/ but there's no way out that I can see"

Life’s Okay: Rock On, KJ-52
"Are ya'll ready for this/rock on/Are we finished with this/ Rock On/You'll never mess with this/Rock On/ So come and get with this/ Rock On"
Oh YEAH. Nice......

Mental Breakdown: Mega-Mix, Newsboys
Well, I suppose that is rather fragmented. And it's all perky!  Perk! (mod. quote) Next please.

Driving: Love Story, Taylor Swift
Good driving song, yes. :D

Learning A Lesson: Everywhere, Michelle Branch
"Turn it inside it out so I can see/ the part of you that's drifting over me/when I wake you're, you're never there/ and when I sleep, you're everywhere."
Sounds like a freaky lesson.

Deep Thought: Step up to the Microphone
"Woo Hoo/I say hello/ To anyone who's listening/ Put on a show/ If that's what makes your ears prick."
I'm, concerned. 

Flashback: Jumper, capsule
The lyrics are kinda indecipherable, but it's Japanese techno. Nuff said. 

Partying: Shine, Newsboys
"The proof is when you ask yourself "what's my motivation?""

I go to good parties! *cheery*

Happy Dance: Jesus Is Alright, dc talk.
*big grin* Certainly a happy dance. 

Regretting: Time Is, dc talk.
"Time is, ticking away/ time is, ticking..."
This works. No further comments. ;)

Long Night Alone: Where I Stood, Missy Higgins
"I don't know, what I've done/ Or if I like, what I've begun/ But something told me to run/ and honey you know me/ It's all, what I've done."
Indeed. Sounds like it's good that I'm alone. 

Death Scene: Get Me Through December. Natalie MacMaster feat. Alison Krauss
"How pale is the sky/ that brings forth the rain/ as the changing of seasons/ prepares me again/ for the long bitter nights and the wild winter's day/ my heart is grown cold/ my love stole away/ my heart is grown cold/ my love stole away/ I've been to the mountain, left my tracks in the snow/ where souls have been lost and the walking wounded go/ I've taken the pain/ no girl should endure/ but faith can move mountains/ of that I am sure/ faith can move mountains/ of that I am sure/ just get me through December/ I promise I'll remember/ get me through December/ so I can start again."
Okay, whose death are we talking about? Get out of my head, fates. Huh. That is lovely, though. I love that song. 

How would you describe yourself? Crash and Burn, Savage Garden.
That's, uh, startlingly applicable. 

What do you like in a guy/girl? Desert Rose, White Heart
"Lost in a wind swept land/ in the world of shifting sand/ a fragile flower, stands apart/ There in that barren ground/ feel like the only one/ trying to serve Him with all your heart/ and you wonder, you wonder/ can you last much longer/ this cloud, you are under/ will it cover you?"
Oh, kay. I'd rather not have a fragile flower for a guy, but still...

What is your life’s purpose? Epitaph, Hey Rosetta!<
"Bad luck's in town for the weekend, but it's keeping away from us..."
And more. Look up the lyrics, if you want. :D Hehehe.

What is your Motto? To America We Go, Ashley MacIssac and Mary Jane Lamond.
My motto is a Gaelic song accompanied by a flaming fiddler? I'm scared now. 

What Do Your Friends Think Of You? Jesus Freak (Reprise), dc talk.
ROFL. Mock opera FTW!

What Do Your Parents Think Of You? Reality, Newsboys.
"Mom and Dad I am fine how are you/ I have joined a small circus/ that much is true/ I'm a little malnurished but try to relax/ can you find a better photo for the milk carton back/ send money."
Oh, my. Nice. :D

What Do You Think Of Your Best Friends? Flowers of Strabane/Brother's Jig, Buddy Wasisname And The Other Fellers.<
Give er, ol man!

What Do You Think Of The Person You Like? We Are, Ana Johnsson
"Keep watching from your picket fence/ you keep talking but it makes no sense/ You say we're not responsible, but we are/ we are/ You wash your hands/ you come up clean/ but fail to recognize the enemies within/ You say we're not responsible but we are/ we are."
Sounds like a touchy relationship. o.O

What Do You Want To Be Like When You Grow Up? Hide and Seek, Imogen Heap
Spin me round/ again/ and rub my eyes/ this can't/ be happening/ when busy streets/ amess with people/ would stop to hold/ their heads/ heavy/ Hide and seek/ trains and sowing machines/ all those serious/ they were here first.." 
I'm insane?

What do You Think When You See The Person You Like? Gone, Tobymac
"I told the girl that you should treat her like a lady man/ she told me all the things you did and it was shady man/ she said that what you say and what you do are different things/while you were telling me that you were checking out them blingy rings."
Uh, okay. I am concerned about my taste in, uh, people, now.

What Song Will They Play At Your Wedding? Mother We Can't Get Enough, New Radicals.
"There's something about you/ tears me inside out whenever you're around/ there's something about you/ speedin' through my veins and then we hit the ground/ there's something about this rush/ take it away/ y'made me feel so good/ got a feelin'/ we got a feelin'/ we get a feelin/ like we could die/ Just can't get enough!"
Uh, right. Okay. *shy*

What Song Will They Play At Your Funeral? Jenny Don't Be Hasty, Paolo Nutini
Uh, I have no comment. Except that whoever is picking the songs has a very strange sense of humour.

What Is Your Hobby/Interest? Innocence, Avril Lavinge
"This innocence/ is brilliant/ I hope that it will stay/ this moment/ is perfect/please don't go away/ I need you now/and I'll hold on to it/don't you let it/ pass you by."
I'm, not sure what that's saying. MOVING ALONG, PEOPLE.

What Is Your Biggest Fear? Measure of a Man, Heather Dale
"Steel on steel/ break the blade that called him his rest/ and cast it to the deep/ light the pile/ name the one whose shield is on his chest/ and leave him to his sleep/The measure of a man/ stands o'er faults with what he leaves behind."
I wouldn't have named that as my biggest fear, but an irrelevant life is not what I'd strive for, yes. Hmm.

What Is Your Biggest Secret? Miles To Go, Heather Dale
"I hear he died alone/ surrounded by the bodies of his knights/ and heaven wept until no tears would fall/ I swore I would atone/ for failing him and shadowing his light/ with all the things I did/ and should have done."
I seem to have a dark past. *big grin*

What Do You Think Of Your Friends? If Everyone Cared, Nickleback
"I never dreamed/ that you'd be mine/ But here we are/we're here tonight/ singing amen I/ I'm alive/I'm alive/ singing amen I/ I'm alive."
Yep! You make me happy to be alive. :P

What Does Your Work/School Experience Entail? Mr. Hurricane, Beast
"Can you imagine living one more day/ with a beast right up in your face/ Can you see me dying in this house and anyhow/ saw a man invade lolly holly hurricane!/ Rock out in the harness/ let it go let it go/Stumble in the darkness/ turn off the light yo/ Frolic in the madness/ then take your pills/ finally a righteous."
I never knew banking could be so exciting. 

What is Your Romantic Side Like?  Willow Tree, Chad VanGaalen<
"When I'm dead/ is when I'll be free/ and you can take my body/ put in a boat/ light it on fire/ you can use the kerosene/ take my body/ put in a boat/ light it on fire/ and send it out to sea."
Yes, Viking funerals are VERY romantic. 

What Does Your Future Hold? Paris, Gordie Sampson
"The train pulled into paris/ like a rocket to the moon/ station's like a circus/ every face is a cartoon/ and everybody's stoned on pride and drunk on cheap chamagne/ today this joie de vivre sure don't live up to its name/And if you asked me to/ I'd steal the Mona Lisa/ tear it up in little pieces/ and lay them at your feet/for all the world to see."

I'm a thief? Or involved with a thief? It's a little unclear.

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