Friday, February 29, 2008

Isn't he cute? I didn't think so.

There is a preponderance of creeping things in our house lately. I've seen two of those centipedes in the past week, (more than I've seen since Christmas,) and I've seen more spiders than I care to count. *shudders*

There was a spider on my headboard last night. It skittered away when I turned on the light, but I know it only went to join its friends. *is suspicious*

Then, when I went to look for a picture of a centipede, I came up with this : A Case of Mortal Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Trunk Resulting From a Centipede (Scolopendra moritans) Bite.

This doesn't make me feel good.

On a completely different subject... I've heard this conversation at least four times in the past month.
Two people talking about Latin, or Philosophy, or Scriptures class, or some such thing. Person 2 expresses an unusual opinion, such as "they like Latin."
Person 1: "You're such a Masochist!"
Person 2: "What?"
Person 1: "Sadist? Wait-" Grabs Person 3, who is waiting for the kettle to boil. "What's the one when you like pain?"
Person 3: "Masochist?"
Person 2: "Yeah, cause Sadist is when you like inflicting pain."
Person 1: "Right. You're a Masochist!"
Conversation continues as per normal.
I guess we like defining terms. *grins*

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

No food is better for you than not enough food?

First things first: I have been staying up too late lately, and this needs to stop.

I've been msning Third World's amusing friend Mind Kicker. (Freewill, Pan-handling, Website design and Upkeep-all the fun stuff. *grins*) But, he is three time zones away, in the wrong direction. It's not so bad if I talk to people from my home, cause it's later at home than it is here, and they eventually get off. But when you put me on the line with a night owl on the West coast, I have to watch the time myself. This is not spectacularly successful. "does that say three o-clock?" *sheepish*

This does not bode well for May. Home is at least 1.5 hours away from all my classmates' homes, and 5.5 away from those on the West coast. *cries* What am I gonna DOOOOOO!!!!!

I noticed today that the lack of sleep was an issue because of my griping mood, and my stunning intolerance of Music class. It was not a fun class, let's just say. And if I'm in that condition in Scriptures class, it'll be all I can do to keep from actively hitting myself in the head with something. *shudders* Scriptures class...

Let's think about something else. *eyes light upon title* Right.

Dr. Patrick said something very- odd, in class yesterday. He was talking about Fasting, and he said that if all you take in is water, and maybe some water-soluble vitamins, you can go 40 days without food easily. He of course also took the opportunity to poke fun at the Americans in the class, saying that many Americans could go a year without food. That's our Dr. Patrick! It seems that your body starts running very efficiently if you don't put anything into it, but if you mess it up with only a little bit of food, it's confused and you get health issues.

This seems to make sense, in a very odd way, but I'm a little confused as to why he put that information out there, knowing that I have had problems with food. He is rather notorious for being "no respecter of persons" if he thinks you or someone else in the room needs to hear the information. But still, I don't know. You function at normal? No one would know that you weren't eating? That's dangerous information to be dropping around.

Oh, who am I kidding. He probably thinks there isn't an issue with me hearing that info; I was never admitted after all. If my presence crossed his mind at all. *sigh* I am remarkably invisible when the professors are concerned. Case in point; three Latin classes running I haven't been called on, despite other people in the class translating two or three times- and this has been happening off and on all year.

I fly under the radar.

Now it's time to go do some homework, so that when I bump the radar again I don't die. *grins*

*slinks off to assault Latin*

After this, furthermore, nextly- wait.

I got my Presentation done today! *collapses from relief* I did a 10 minute presentation in Science, Medicine and Faith on Human Language Development and Acquisition, specifically First Languages.

We're looking at Darwinism is Science class, and we each have to do a 10 minute presentation on a subject that is often used in evolutionary debates. I have come to the conclusion that I am not a scientist. However, the others said that I did a good job *sceptical* and now that's one less thing to worry about!

The class was- amusing. Moon Unit has a cold, so she had to leave the class because of a coughing fit. Third World and I told her later that God gave her that cold so that she wouldn't have to sit though the discussion of homosexuality. That was definitely a case of TMI.

Tomorrow, Music paper due and Latin Quiz. *blinks* Actually, that's today now, isn't it. Time to sleep.

*wanders off to bed*

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reading week After-Action

So, it's the last day of Reading Week. And the question is; did I accomplish anything? Let's look at the list.

To Do during reading week.
  1. Write my 10 page philosophy research paper
    1. Question- Got it!
    2. Research- We're working on it!
    3. Write- You must be joking!
    4. Revise at least once- See above!
  2. Get up to date in my Art textbook- Check.
  3. Read Denton- Partial check. Almost done, and the plan was to finish it tonight.
  4. Read Philosophy text, Kant and Hume- Yes, I got both done. And then received an email saying that I only had to read Hume. *glowers* However, Kant was cool.
  5. Translate Practise and Review sentences in Chapter 15 of Wheelock's Latin- It's done, and it's almost idiomatic.
  6. Go to War Museum with Stephanie- Heh heh heh. "You fail." That was such an amusing time.
  7. Go to Museum of Civilization- Didn't happen
  8. Continue writing 1000 words a day on my story- The story is nearing being done, actually. I've done more than 1000 per day, 'm pretty sure. And it's all pretty and mine. *pats story*
  9. Think of and being researching a question for my Literature paper- Um, we're working on that one.
  10. Sleep- That would be a check
  11. Eat- Also a check
  12. Have fun.- *wide grin*
This has been a good week on many levels. For one, I am now actually looking forward to classes. A little time away does wonders! And I generally had fun. Third World and I achieved group thought on several occasions, which is amusing.
"What are you doing?"
"Reading Denton."
"Me too!"
"I'm reading the art text book as well."
"Me too!"
And I've also picked up little bits of information about myself. Just general tidbits, like how much I enjoy writing and computer things, how much I am accustomed to "winning" conversations with guys (that was a fun realization :) , and how other people go through the same emotional issues. Yes, it's been a good week.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

*breaks out the chocolate*

Moon Unit is coming back tomorrow! Hurrah!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I think the term used here is, "I fail at life."

Third World and I decided to go to the War Museum today, as admission is free after four.

We left the house at about 5:00 pm. Then we stopped by the library (to pick up a reserved item,) the grocery store, (to buy some tea,) and the mall, (to buy some bus tickets.) Then we boarded our bus and headed out toward the museum. This is where things started to go not according to plan.

When we got to our stop, LeBreton 2A, we stood up, and waited for the bus driver to pull in front of the bus stop. He didn't. Instead, he drove away. Third World and I sat down next to the exit, a little wide-eyed. He then proceeded to drive past the next stop without stopping. At this time I realized that this bus went out as far as Kanata, 45 minutes into the country. *panic*

But then he stopped, and we got off the bus. Discussion insured. Should we take the next bus back, or walk to the museum? I, un-city girl that I am, said that we could walk it. "We just find the river and follow it back!" I am persuasive? We started walking through the deserted government buildings.

We reached the end of the buildings just as the sun went down. Our eyes were then greeted with a lovely vista. A highway. Wending off into the distance. Dogged stubbornness asserts its self, we shared a square of chocolate, and started down the shoulder of the highway.

Over bridges, in the dark, in an unknown area of town, with cars driving by, and no one around.

Smart college students, eh?

After a time the side of the road was not safe to walk on, as the snowwas built up into a 45 degree angle. So, we hopped over the road barrier and started wading through knee-deep snow. (by the by, this whole time we would both occasionally comment to the other person that 'I'm so glad that you're there, cause I would NOT want to do this alone.) Finally, we arrived at a side walk, *angel choir*, and walked on the blessed sidewalk the rest of the way to the museum.

We bought some soup, and sat down to rest our legs. Third World then revealed that she had been super freaked out about the many cars driving past, (what if they stopped?) and I commented that I had not been very sure about all the dark bridges we walked over, (you can't see who's in there!) Then we noticed that it was 7:00. We had been in transit for 2HOURS!

The museum its self was very good, and Third World said that she wanted to borrow my Vimy book.

The trip back was uneventful, except for the whole missing the bus bit, and realizations, after leaning on each other and falling over while waiting for the next bus, that acting drunk wasn't the best thing to be doing in a bus stop in the middle of nowhere.

We get back inside the house, Third World turns to me:
I can't believe we're still alive!
The best memories happen when things go wrong, just admit it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

My Capital is prettier than your Capital.

Right, as promised, here are the pics from my walk behind Parliament on Saturday. I actually don't know the names of most of the buildings here, so they are without explanation.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

To Do

I'm making a list so that I don't forget. This week I need to:
  1. Write my 10 page philosophy research paper
    1. Question
    2. Research
    3. Write
    4. Revise at least once
  2. Get up to date in my Art textbook
  3. Read Denton.
  4. Read Philosophy text, Kant and Hume
  5. Translate Practise and Review sentences in Chapter 15 of Wheelock's Latin
  6. Go to War Museum with Stephanie
  7. Go to Museum of Civilization
  8. Continue writing 1000 words a day on my story
  9. Think of and being researching a question for my Literature paper
  10. Sleep
  11. Eat
  12. Have fun.
Sounds like a good week!

After consultation with Stephanie, we decided that the two professors who expect the best work out of us also want us to do it on short notice. Dr. Patrick likes to assign things to be done yesterday. Dr. Tingley gave us our paper parameters on two weeks notice. Now I'm slightly scared because we have another paper for Tingley due the week after the philosophy paper, with no news yet. However, I will overcome! Or at least crash and burn really dramatically!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day one of reading week...

I'm feeling very productive today. *adjusts jacket collar* I unaccountably woke up at 8:30, and so I was able to get my work done early(ish). Fun! I also made waffles; I feel very competent. However, I did manage to stab myself with a meat thermometer. Maybe I shouldn't get too uppity, eh? *grin*

Ah, I went on a walk out behind the house of parliament. It was so beautiful it hurt. That sounds odd, but I was carrying my camera, so I kept seeing in photos. There are so many lovely architectural bits...

And then- the bells played while I was there. I love the sound of bells. It reminds me heavily of Germany. Of course the fact that I was in a courtyard-like space surrounded with old buildings didn't hurt the remembering.

I hope I got some good shots. I'll have to beg Third World to download my pictures for me. *wanders away*

Friday, February 15, 2008

It's the weekend!

I'm wearing a necklace in my hair while listening to Benjamin Britten.

I'm finishing the first draft TONIGHT! Or- that's the plan, anyways.

*wanders away to look for some food*

All I want to do, is be more like me, and be less like you.

The sun is shining off the snow into my window, and I'm in a good mood. I tell you, calling home is a great invention.*laughs* In my last few calls home, I've found out an interesting piece of information regarding one of my siblings each time.
  1. First I found that PT is probably going to Dubai
  2. Then I found that Frauline is possible going to England for a Girl Guide trip.
  3. Now I find that my little brother Trapezoid (age 12) has joined Cadets, and just went to a dance.
  4. next time? (something about Slonner?)
(for those who don't know, that's descending order of age. I'm the oldest, followed by PT, Frauline, etc. )
I'm all grin-ny.

I've really been feeling stunningly incompetent recently; noticing my complete inability to manage money, manage my time, and behave in social situations... Don't you love it when you realize that you either annoy, frighten, disgust or amuse the people around you? I know I do.

But I'm better now. ALSO, I didn't do anything other than skip a few meals in three weeks, so I feel proud of myself. HA! Take THAT! *waves hands wildly*

Now Reading Week has begun. I have a vague idea of what I'm doing for my papers, and I'm making waffles tomorrow. It's good.

Oh, I love this quote. It's from the intro to Rich Mullin's Higher Education and the Book of Love. No, I love parts of this quote, which I have included here. Some other bits, not so much...

What does it mean to be human?
What does it mean to be human?
I cannot help but suspect
that at one time in the history of thinking
that people believed that it meant
that we were spiritual
that we could make choices
and were capable of aspiring to higher ideals
like maybe loyalty
or maybe faith
or maybe even love

But now we are told by people who think they know
that we vary from amoeba
only in the complexity of our makeup
and not what we essentially are


They would have us see ourselves as products
so that we could believe we were something to be made
something to be used
and then something to be disposed of
used in their wars
used for their games
and then set aside for we get in their way
who are they?


What does it mean to be human?
I cannot help but believe
that it means that we are spiritual
that we are responsible
and that we are free
that we are responsible
to be free

Anyways, better go do some of my work. *grand bow*

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blame it on Iago

This evening, don't ask how, I was compared to a butterfly. It seems that I am
Like a butterfly that looks all beautiful flying along, and then it bites your head off.

Also, I resemble:
A butterfly that you squish, and then it comes back to life and eats your children.
This was funny for the first 5 months, but not so much today. My house mates assure me that they don't think of me in that precise category.

I mean, I'm not really heartless and calculating, right? right?

Ah, I see the issue. Of the other people who make similar jokes, (you know who you are,) one is sweetness and light incarnate, while the other just looks bewildered on cue. I, on the other hand, keep a straight face, and/or smile slowly. This seems to disconcert people. Oh well, I probably won't mind it tomorrow.

Na. Aside from that uncomfortable realization the evening was lots of fun. *thinks about the lovely cake* Fun conversation and excellent desserts in good company. Best kind!

The roads which never saw the sun nor sky...

For the past little while I've been a little bit at loose ends. I've made an awful nuisance of myself to Third World and Moon Unit, I think. Mainly Third World, I'm afraid, because Moon Unit escapes me on weekends. *stares madly around in all directions* *drapes self over arm of chair* But I feel better now.

I went on a nice LONG walk after class; up behind the Parliament buildings. It was very pretty. I'll need to take my camera along and repeat the walk. It's good to see a bit of space. I'm used to vistas, and behind stuck in between buildings starts to wear on one after a while.

Unfortunately, it was so pretty I didn't consider the fact that I would have to repeat the walk in the other direction... I think I'll sleep very soundly tonight.

Reading Week is starting to look less like a phantom and more like a reprieve, and it's very soon! Only two more days of classes, then nine days off. *slumps in relife*

The objective is to get lots and lots and lots of school work done. Let's hope I can live up to that lofty goal. I think I know where I"m going with my Music paper and my Presentation, so those should get knocked off first.

We're going to the other girls' house, the "party house," for Sue's birthday party tonight. Also; proof that God is merciful to foolish girls who don't consider return journeys; we have been loaned a car for the evening. Should be fun!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"I pass the test"

In the past few days, I've found out that my sister Frauline is possibly going on a trip to England, and by brother the Piano Tech, aka PT, is possibly going to Dubai. Dubai! That is so cool! *dances in a circle, grinning madly* "
See those people, those people over there? I'm related to them!"

Also my presentation subject for Dr. Patrick is quite interesting, (Language Games, specifically acquisition and syntax). This is good, given that I may present it on Tuesday. I had resolved to present it before Reading Week, thinking that meant next week. However, I recently looked at the calender and realized I was off by a week. *sheepish* I still really want to get it done before Reading Week, but I'm not quite sure if I can pull it together in time.

*hears Winston Churchill in back of head, "Never surrender"*

I'll see what I can do. Dr. Patrick is a scary professor to give work to, cause you're never quite sure what he expects. I was cringing madly over the paper I turned in during December, but then I got an A-. And I was expecting to fail, it seemed so flimsy. Maybe he'll have mercy on my lack of scientific knowledge?

In other news, I'm making a rhubarb crumble, as my craving finally overrode my distaste at Paying for rhubarb. Also, we're going to the symphony tomorrow.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

"I'm still proud of what I am. I am- A LIBRARIAN."

The snow is piling up outside, similar to the work piling up inside.

Unfortunately, the assignments this term are almost all about subjects that I know nothing about, and am not interested in. However, the literature assignment still looks pretty interesting, and Dr. Patrick's should be useful, if nothing else.

Any other news...?

Lamd has gone on a cruise. The class is not at all jealous, of course. *grin*

*wider grin* Ha, this is amusing. Alright, he borrowed my library card on Thursday, so he could get some books out of the Ottawa U library. I went through the paper work at the beginning of the year to get the card, but I've never actually used it. Anyways, he picked out two books about Messiaen. Then on getting to the desk, he found that there is some extra paperwork you have to go through the first time you check out. The following conversation resulted;
Lamd: Can I leave them at the desk? (thinking that he would get me to pick them up)
Deskman: Okay. What name is that again?
Lamd: *hesitantly* Stairs?
Deskman: First name?
Lamd: Um, J - She's my sister.
Deskman: Oh?
Lamd: Don't bother to hold the books. *walks out*

Hmm, I don't know how people make it thorough life without the arts. If I didn't have music to listen to, it would be UGLY. And I'm much better when I can write.

Got to go read about language acquisition

Thursday, February 7, 2008

No, this. THIS must be what going mad feels like.

My Latin Homework this week is essentially directly from a tormenting spirit. It's long and nasty, and full of words that are not in our book's index. Also, it features the subjunctive tense. There are people in their third year of Latin who curse the subjunctive when they run across it. Moreover, we are in chapter 14. The subjunctive is in chapter 26. There are also tenses and various charming things from chapters 18, 19, 17, 31...

I thought last week was painful, when our translation included the passive perfect tense, (which we are 5 chapters away from.) However, I was able to understand it, and it ended up sounding reasonably coherent. Then we arrive at this week.

I don't recognize the words, or the word endings, and, and, and... *breaks down and weeps*

I'll have to pay in baked goods for some more knowledgeable person to walk me through it.
*grim determination*

Or I could just cry in Latin class....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

There is nothing more real than this, nothing more terrible.

This week in Philosophy we're reading Descartes and Pascal. They're interesting. I like the way the translator, um, translated. Also, these men are covering subjects we haven't hit previously, which is cool. I'm looking forward the the lecture.

This is a nice change, also, because in this semester to date the classes have been rather "flat, stale and unprofitable." No eureka moments, and no classes where I walk out saying "that was so amazingly cool." I'm used to the classes now. I seem to remember someone warning me about that... *smile* Hopefully I'll get inspired, about my papers at least.

Ah, Moon unit and I baked today, so now the kitchen is full of bread. I was teaching her and decided that she would make two loves, while I would make four. Halfway into mixing, I realized that the recipe I had doubled made four loaves, not two. Opps.

So now there are 12 loaves worth of bread ornamenting every flat surface in the kitchen.

I keep meaning to call my family and friends, and then when I remember the phone is in use. If you haven't got a call from me, that doesn't in any way mean that I am not thinking of you! (just so you know.)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Great Excitiment involving Grocery Stores

No, there wasn't actually much excitement, I just felt like saying that.

I went shopping, along with Third World, Rach, Rach's Other Half, and Moon Unit. When we got to the grocery store Third World and I took one cart, and Rach and her Other Half took another, and Moon unit roved between the two parties. I got flour, so now I can make bread! w00t!

In actual true fact, I got 22lbs of flour, which is where any possible excitement comes in. We were planning on getting a delivery, so our car was buying in bulk. A full cart. Including canned goods and a 22lb bag of flour, as previously mentioned. (I was slightly tramatised by the bag of flour, which weighed 22lbs, if I forgot to mention it.)

As we were heading down the last aisle, what should come over the speaker but an announcement saying :
It's five o clock and our delivery service is over for the day. Thank you for shopping with us!

I was not exceptionally pleased.

However, our lovely checkout lady said that the groceries could be put in the cooler and delivered first run tomorrow morning. *huge sigh of relief*

Tomorrow is the talent show. Due to my disinclination to inflict my lack of performance talents on my classmates, I'm helping set up and serving refreshments. It should be really fun.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

"Don't share a room with the bass player. Just don't."

It's a lovely day. Or, at least it's not snowing. The sun is coming out too. Yes, it's a lovely day.

The dinner at our prof's house was good. Thank goodness for Lamd's endless supply of conversation topics. He can talk about anything, on no cue at all. Quite remarkably, really. This came in very useful as the professor is sometimes a little hard to talk too in normal conversation. Anyways, Lamd had five glasses of wine, two cups of strong coffee, and kept the conversation going.

Yes, there was wine, but I didn't have any. (That information is for you, Frauline. *grin* I know you'd be worried.)

The title is something I said, not remembering that Lamd is a bass player. Opps. I don't even know how the topic came up, but we were talking about musician's health, and I remembered a class I took in that during the ecma's. One of the speakers was a musician who gave the strangest advice! That was one of his kernels of wisdom. *thinks about it* *top of head comes off*

Moving on!

In the end, on of my classmates borrowed a car and we all drove up. I seem fated not to take the bus. In every event so far that has necessitated a bus ride, I've been volentold to take the a car. Or the bus has not been necessary. I kind of like the bus in company though. It's interesting... So it's always those who get carsick who take the bus, and I end up in the car. Funny.

(of course, now that I've said this, I will end up alone on the bus, next to some odious person, for a long time. Such is the way of the world. )

I'm going grocery shopping. Exciting!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Nothing much to report..

I'm in a happy place today. There isn't much happening, however. Tomorrow Third World and I, and several of the students from the other houses, are going to the house of one of our profs for dinner. I think we are all riding the bus out and back. As we will be travelling after dark, that should be an expedenture! *cheers*

Aside from that, life is just ticking along as per normal.

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