Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm moving!

To this house!
Jay kay. Jay Kaaaayyyy....

In an effort to keep my blogging manageable, I'm moving my activities to the one blog. That would be,

(Clicky the linky, if you please.)

And no, it's not as though I'll be much saner or less prone to posting random pictures over there, but at least it'll be confined to the one place, eh?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Out and about the city on my day off! :D

I had the day off from work today, so I decided to go grocery picking in Belbins. ^_^ Because they deliver food, and I had the intention of buying ten pounds of flour, among other things, and I am pitifully weak in the chest and the arms and the muscles. *collapse at the mere IDEA of carrying flour*

So after some serious time spent staring at the internet until I realized the reason I was feeling dull might have something to do with the fact that I'd only eaten (very) crispy bacon and cookies, and then I went to buy some coffee and a bagel. And at that point I was halfway there, so I kept walking! ^_^

BTW, you can click on any picture to see it BIG. If that floats your boat.

I walked past this, which is the outside of the High Court. They have what looks like a moat, three stories deep, with barred windows opening into it and a rusted cage at the top. Very cheering, I'm sure.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm an adult now...

Today I took the taxi to work, which was a lovely ride that cost me 13.50.


And then I dropped a steel box of coin on my leg.

*dies again*

My knee caught it though, so that was good. Wait, what?

And despite what it sounds like when I describe my day, it was fun and good! I did laundry and everything!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"You can take twenty minutes to balance as long as you get the referrals!" *nervous titter of laughter*

Today was my first day of work!

*bites nails*

All my much-hyped expectations didn't come to pass, as I didn't miss my ride, (with my BOSS,) I didn't fail excessively in front of any customers, I didn't get a stomach ache from nerves, and I didn't fail to balance. Also, there's a Tim Hortons right next to the bank and a thrift store across the ways and everyone was very nice and fun and lovely.

Why yes, that does mean that my lively hopes for the day were pretty much dashed. But I think I'll get over it. :D

And then I went home, and looked at my Supplies For Living, and found them sorely lacking in several key areas. So I decided to go up to the drug store and get some necessary things! (I took pictures, trusting again that my brain would be SORELY LACKING.)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Town, where the weather is always sunshine and rainbows.

So yesterday I moved into town! It was a long drive, which was rather hazy because I was in AUGH MOVING TIME HAS NO MEANING MUST DRINK MORE COFFEE mode. But my brother PT and his Girlfriend R drove me in, which was lovely of them. There was much conversation which I hope I was lucid for. 

I know we stopped at McDonalds on the way, where this conversation happened. 
PT: "All right, time to hit the road."
Me: "Aw, but I thought we were living here now!"
R: "They don't have a playplace. We'll find a better one."
Yeah, I was in fine form. 

When we got to the edge of town, no sooner did we get to my neighbourhood than four police cars went screaming by, lights and sirens going. Welcome to the big city, self! :P Aside from some moving up of boxes, which is not exiting to relate, that was my evening. (Life!Drama, I has it.) 

Now today I woke up to a beautiful sunshiny day. Er, no, that was some other city. I'm living in Fog City. Thankfully I like fog. :D 

The objectives of the day were to go shopping for groceries, and go out for coffee with Angie and Kay. I will now conduct the rest of this blog post in pictures, because me and words are ESTRANGED.

My fabulous life in Microcosm! No really, it's called Twitter. Good train, you should get on.

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