Thursday, July 31, 2008

"It's like a church service, only with no message?"

Day: 9
Date: 26/07/08
Event: Seaworld

"In what?"
"I don't know! Dreams! Dreams work! Believe in dreams!"

That, as far as I can figure out, was the message of the Shamu Show at Seaworld this afternoon. I guess it's hard to be inspirational when you're working from a Post-modern starting point! :P It was a very interesting show though. They had a "salute to the troops" to start off, which is something I've seen very rarely at home, if ever. Moreover, when the military is recognised in Canada it tends to come with a message of the horrors of war as the focus. Whereas this was just a thank-you to the people have signed away their lives for the defence of the majority. I was pleased. :) Then came the actual show, with the above theme. And me in the back row sneering internally. *sigh* I need to work on having a better attitude towards inspiration activities.

But it was funny to see how the whales would perform a trick, and be rewarded with a hug. ~Very touching.~ The attention would then shift to another whale- and the first whale would be subtly rewarded with a double handful of fish. But the whales are doing these things for the love of their trainers, really! They're cuddly! Never mind that they started off the show by identifying Killer Whales as the largest predator of the seas. However, I suppose my willing suspension of disbelief was crippled slightly by the fact that I read the first half of Life of Pi last night, and was suspicious of anthropomorphism.

The day was good. We saw crocodiles, stingrays, sharks, and many more. Also turtles, which I mention so that I will not have named only dangerous water creatures. We also rode several rides, the others more than I. After I was blacking out during the roller coaster I took pictures from the ground while the remainder of the G5 rode a second time. I draw the line at physical repercussion from rides. *is steadfast*

Sometimes it's hard to remain upbeat.

Day: 8
Date: 25/07/08
Event: Shopping

We spent the day at the mall.
It was hot out.
The money was provided.
I bought a dress and some books.
I got to talk to lovely people on the internet.

"You've been to HOW many theme parks this week?" "We start early."

Day: 7
Date: 24/07/08
Event: Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure

Universal pwns Disney. That's all there is to say! Look at this way- Universal is geared toward teenagers, and I still have two months left on that count. Also, instead of vaguely saying that the "cast members" in Disney would notice the wish buttons, Universal gave us a pass to show to the Greeter at the start of the line; which meant that we did a LOT.

First, the Twister ride. Then The Mummy returns coaster. On that one the staff loading the cars referred to us as "sacrifices," which set the mood nicely. Next stop, DISASTER! Which I found hilarious. It's about disaster movies, and we had a rather funny director.
"I need a hot hunky man- not personally, of course! Yes, you sir! Would you refer to yourself as hot and hunky?"

Then while walking away from that ride, we spotted a wall climbing booth. I took pictures. I offer in my defence the fact that there were only four lines. Then, Jaws, lunch, Fear FactorLIVE, and MIB in quick secession. At this point we were starting to flag slightly, but we decided to try the Simpsons ride. It was rather interesting, since it was an animated ride. The car was on hydraulics, and surrounded by an Imax-style screen. As a result, the car could hurl down a collapsing roller coaster, for instance, without universal actually having to build a collapsing roller coaster track.

It's two o-clock in the afternoon, you're tired, and you've done everything in the park that you want to do. What now? If you're the G5, you head next door to another park! Did I mention that we're insane?

On to the HULK Roller Coaster! Refreshed by that, we tried a promising-looking ride, which turned out to be relaxing, which was not what it promised. :P At this point we passed a bookstore, or at least a store with books in the window. I was magnetically attracted inside. It turned out to be a comic book store, and I was the only female in the premises. To the point that the guy in Horn-rimmed glasses and pens in the breast pocket of his shirt edged away when I approached the hardcover rack he was drooling over. What can I say? Me in a bookstore is a fearsome sight! But Fraulein dragged me away, bah humbug, and we set off to ride two water rides.

After a brief stop for fries and pop we tramped over to THE LOST CONTINENT and rode Dueling Dragons. Both Dragons. I think I'm roller-coastered out. That was the last ride we wanted to do, so we headed for the hotel. And on my way out of the Park I was hit with a lovely plot bunny. *sigh* This is now the third full-scale novel sitting in the back of my head laughing at me. And what sparked this one? Radio head, the Mary Sue Litmus test, a boy with animplaned hearing aid (I'm not sure what they're called,) and Heather Dale. I love being complicated. :D

And now, some quotes of the day;
A greeter: "Move on in, move on it, everyone's FRIENDLY at the Hulk!"

Fraulein, in Jurassic; "Oh, I just noticed; we're in the front of the car." *weakly* "yay."

Jurassic rider 1: "I wasn't scared."
Jurassic rider 2: "You just yelled all your relative's names."

A comedian on the telly; "Mario, if you're a plumber, how come you're bashing open bricks with your head?"
"I'm-a looking for mushrooms!"

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"My pursuit of information knows no shame."

Day: 6
Date: 23/07/08
Event: Animal Kingdom and More

Today I entered and exited 3 theme parks, rode 3 monorails and 2 buses, ate in 1 restaurant, took 2 taxis and 6 rides. I also saw an ant-eater, discussed the mindset and propaganda machine that is the Disney entity, and drank three cups of coffee. Oh, and I saw a cute guy in the line behind me in Dinoland.

The day's plan of attack;
  • Arrive at Animal Kingdom with Family, Split up
  • Ride the two rides in Dinoland USA. (ish)
  • Meaner over to "Asia" and ride Expedition Everest. (awesome)
  • Book it out of the park and take a bus to Epcot.
  • Sidle along to Mexico and eat lunch, pausing for a discussion of Pleasure, Pain, and Utility.
  • March out of Epcot and take two monorail to Magic Kingdom.
  • Fight our way over to Tomorrowland, ride Indy Speedway. (meh)
  • Be sucked into Space Mountain. (great)
  • Persevere across the park into Splash Mountain. (good)
  • Elbow our way out of Magic Kingdom, stopping to buy ice cream from a bearded woman from Hati.
  • Gawk at an amazing barbershop quartet by the gate.
  • Take a monorail and a bus back to Animal Kingdom.
  • Meet up with Mommy, Daddy and the small ones.
  • Taxi to the Hotel.
  • Order in Chinese food and discuss the jaw-dropping efficiency and pervasiveness of Disney.

And now some quotes from the past 6 days.

Walrus's idea of smalltalk: "Oh, I just noticed! Your legs are really hairy!"

Gail (A nurse back home): "Mickey loves everyone, even if you haven't met him before."
Daddy: "Actually, Mickey is just an actor in a plastic suit. And he's probably dying of heat stroke, which is why his smile is painted on."

Person 1 in line: "And when you have the whole Big Mac meal, it's over a thousand calories."
Person 2: "Don't think about that! You only die once, so you may as well enjoy yourself."

Taxi Driver: "And after 9/11 none of the Americans were flying, so the Brits kept this town alive. Of course, they're used to fighting the NRA, so Al Queda was no biggie."

Gid, with a big grin; "I ate you!"

Gid: "I have lightning shoes!"

Me, draping myself over a balcony: "I'm going into Internet withdrawal."

Walrus: "I'm drinking jelly beans!"

Mommy: "Well, Gid saw a dragonfly, Lacey saw a Giraffe, and Snazel saw a cute guy; so the day was a success."

Daddy: "This whole experience is the kind of thing which requires years of prior conditioning- which we don't have. Which might be why we're a little skeptical of the $20 pirate mouse ears."

Sam, riding down the freeway. "Car! Car! Car! Car! Car! Car?"
PT: "No, that's a truck."
Sam: "Oh. Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck!"

"Dr. Who did not help that experience to be more reassuring."

Day: 5
Date: 22/07/08
Event: Hollywood Studios

This experience is very fun, but my tendency towards cynicism in not lessening. In Epcot there is a general feeling of Quality to the structures, or at least of solidity. But Here the whole idea is that it is movie sets, so it all rings slightly false. :D Hah! I mean, false even after the significant suspension of disbelief required for a theme park. :P

We started the day with Star Tours; a Star Wars Themed ride. It was quite fun, but we realised afterwards that Slonner and Walrus have not seen the movies, which made it slightly incomprehensible for them. They still enjoyed it, however, so all was not lost. After emergence from that ride, we were off to meet Lightening McQueen!

This was the thing Gid actually wished for. And I don't know- when you have a 4 year-old palliative patient who has had a rush wish (which means he doesn't have a lot of time,) come to visit, wouldn't you try to do something special for him? A meeting in Lightning's Garage? Five minutes uninterrupted? A sticker pack? That was what I was expecting. What we got was jumped to the front of the line to get our picture taken with Lighting and Mater. Two minutes, tops, in the middle of the public square, with other people crowding in for their turn, and music blaring.

Now, Gid was still delighted. When I asked later what he did today he said that "I saw Lightening and Mater- and touched them!" I, on the other hand, wanted to punch something. Hard. Broken glass and blood, please. Bah, I believed the Disney propaganda, which is always a dangerous thing. I've just got a jaded soul and Gid is so cute it hurts. I was holding him while we were waiting for Lightning, and he is so thin. Such delicate hands. His eyes are huge, and when he grins he's infused with happiness. You beam to look at him. Mommy bought him Lightning McQueen shoes last night, and he was delighted with the. And the thing with Gid is that when you use words like "delight," "joy," and "beam," it is the perfect truth. Even with all he's been through, he is so full of life and happiness. My little brother is an amazing little boy. I wish I could see the man he would be. I have been truly blessed to be his big sister for 4 years.

[Here I broke off to bawl in the bathroom for 10 minutes]

Anyhow, the day. We went on a number or other rides, but probably the most noteworthy were the Tower of Terror and Rocking Roller Coaster. The Tower of Terror, because of the, (yes,) terror it inspired. The title is my reaction after we staggered out. The Rocking Roller Coaster is worthy of note because of its truly impressive wait line. ToT was fun, I'll say, but I have no interest in doing it again. Been there, done that, sneered at the t-shirt. Seriously, why are all the good snarky t-shirts in guy's sizes only? Even if perchance they have an acceptable design, it's on a pink background!

I don't do pink. I am the anti-pink. Pink is against my beliefs. So why do half of all female t-shirts have to be on that accursed colour? *bites a pillow* This is me, not impressed.

And on the subject of t-shirts, Fraulein and I noticed a distinguishing feature of Brazilian girls while in the interminable line for the RRC. There are a lot of groups of teenage tours from Brazil, all with official t-shirts. And the girls, almost without fail, have modified their shirts. The modifications range from "falling off the shoulder," to "sleeveless," to "bikini top." I didn't know you could fashion a bikini out of a t-shirt, but these girls manage it.

Overall, today was another very fun day, and I'm becoming acclimatised and accustomed, but I don't think I'd fork out my own money for another ticket.

We're in the SYSTEM now!

Day: 4
Date: 21/07/08
Event: Epcot

Disney is pretty much the embodiment of wildly successful capitalism. 47 square miles of wildly successful capitalism. Not that it's not warranted, mind you. Today was kind of our test-day, to see ho our other days will be organised. And it was very fun.

After getting through the gates, (which required a fingerprint scan, (for Homeland Security? No one knows.)) We split up into two group. Mommy, Daddy and the small ones in one group, and Slonner, PT, Walrus, Fraulein and I in another. As we're the oldest, we're sometimes refereed to as the G5, and we were unleashed on the unsuspecting theme park! *evil laugh* We commenced a detailed and carefully considered planning session.

"What's that golf ball?"
"I think it's a ride?"
"Wanna go on it?"
*enters the line for Spaceship Earth*

In fact, that was the best line experience of our day. We were in the official queue for approximately 2 minutes before we were taken aside and let in the exit. Aren't we special? *preens* There was on spot on the "time travel" ride when we saw Michelangelo painting the Sistine chapel, with an Alleluia playing, and I got hit rather hard with a wave of homesickness for Augustine. I never thought I'd miss music class, but that time has arrived! :D Then we got stuck up at the top. PT spotted a pair of legs sticking out form under a car, so he was either fixing it, or we're run over him and they were bringing up the body bag. It was dark; who knows?

Anyhow, fired with enthusiasm at our short line wait, we headed over to Test Track. 50minutes later, we got on the ride. I guess not all park employees are as zealous to give special treatment! I should explain at this point, that we were told, as a wish family, that we wouldn't have to wait in lines. :D *shrug*

By the time we emerged form there, it was time for lunch. Whereupon we went to Morocco! For those not familiar with Epcot, it has 11 "international showcases," which ostensibly represent Canada, UK, France, Morocco, Japan, US, Italy, Germany, China, Norway and Mexico. We lunched at Morocco, including some truly incredible coffee.
I have absolutely no inclination to close my eyes.
Then we did all the other countries. Well, not the US or France, but those hardly count, right? *ducks*

Among the G5, it was agreed that Japan, Germany, Morocco and UK, were the best, with Japan being "The place I most wish I had money for." I almost bought a Kimono, as they were SOOO pretty, but by the time I would have bought one that wasn't rayon, with the proper accoutrement, I could easily have spent $200. Therefore I decided to wait for my trip to Japan, which will happen someday! Why wait? Because I would certainly wear it on the street, and it would keep the cringe factor down if I didn't have to say I bought it at Disney. So I bought Slonner a Parasol instead.

Then we went on the most successful ride of the day, which was Mission: SPACE. We were waved into the Fastpass line, but I'm still not sure if that was due to the Wish Uniform we were wearing or not. Anyhow, I tend to like anything vaguely space-related, and the ride its self was pretty awesome, so it was a general hit.

And now my legs are very tired. I don't usually get to where it hurts to more. At last count, that took a walk of 15 km. So we walked at least that. Oh, and after the small ones were in bed, we went to a MASSIVE Wal-mart. Truly, this takes superstore to a whole new level.

Most of the time I don't know what is an average price for Clothing, or shoes, or even media. But one thing I am very certain of is the average price of chocolate; and the bars at checkout were only 60% of the prices we get at home. Even with the exchange, that is still a significant benefit to the American shopper. I mean, no wonder the American students were aghast at Canadian Prices!

And one last discovery. I need to work on feeling more secure in public places. If I'm walking around in a basic state of insecurity, wanting only to retreat to my room, that tends to defeat the purpose of travel, no? Or maybe I can just go where there is an absence of crowds. :P

Hurry up and Wait...

Day: 3
Date: 20/07/08
Event: To Orlando

Despite having all the ingredients of a very dreary day, it has been fun!

It started at 6:13 am, when the little girls I was sharing a room with woke up and wanted to know when they had to wake up. (6:30) We were flying out at 10, but since it was an international flight, which requires checking in 2 hours early, and we were an admittedly large group, we were leaving the Hotel/Terminal at 7:30. Enough time to check in, get through customs, and catch some breakfast. Right?

Well, that might have worked had we been travelling any airline other than Air Canada.

We arrive at the international check-in and are told that we have to use the self-serve. Told rudely, I might say. It gets halfway through the our 12 personal ticket-group and dies. Twice. Daddy heads over the line F, which declares in pretty lights over the desk that it is "self service assistance." However, as he approaches the desk the lady behind it declares that she can't help and walks away.


After a short verbal skirmish with another lady, behind the Oversized-Baggage counter, we enter the check-in line. Approximately 35 minute after entering the line, we arrive at a desk. !0 minutes there and we have out boarding passes. Yes, the whole rigmarole was solely to get out boarding passes and have out luggage approved. At was about at this point that I remember what I learned last Christmas, which is that time ceases to have meaning while traveling, You enter a supra-state wherein colours and textures are abnormally fascinating, shameless gawking at other passengers is par for the course and the world outside the airport swindles into comparative insignificance. And all it takes to achieve this state is belligerent airport employees and a wait of an hour or more. No drugs required at all! :P

Anyhow, we got out of check-in and slid neatly into the line for customs. That went smoothly, and it was on to drop off the luggage and enter the line for security. Apparently with American Security you have to take off your shoes as a matter of course. There were no hassles, but security remains a surreal experience. Not the least if you happen to glance at the next line over (always a bad idea) and Mr. Anarchy has tried to go through security wearing studded leather, and consequently, after putting all offending clothing items through the scanner, is wearing very little while being patted down. And it's all normal. Weird. *shudders*

Anyhow, we made it through , and made our gate with a whole 5 minutes to spare! Yay us!

Three hours later, we land in Orlando. There is another monorail to the other terminal, where lives the baggage claim. I am pleased :) So we take it over to the other terminal, and wait for our baggage. Thankfully I do not have a watch to stress over, but it was a long time before our five lovely bags came down the conveyor.

Next objective; get to our hotel. There is a shuttle, but it seems to cost $90 per person. (90*12=1080?) Let's consider alternative transport! Daddy goes off to arrange this, while we wait. An undefined amount of time later, we hire two cab vans and speed off to the resort. Finally, the end of the line! Only not quite.

It seems that our rooms were not ready. (at this point it was 3 in the afternoon, local time) Okay, that's fine, we'll just take a tired party of 12,, which has eaten only on the plane, if they were not sleeping, on a walk. This has all the potential to be very unpleasant. But there might be gators in that pond! There are palm trees on the side of the road! And look, a lizard! And another one! The crisis does not materialize

Just as were were all lined up to try and dash across the road, the cellphone rang; our rooms were ready. So we trundle back and collapse inside the AC. Fraulein and I have our own room, nicknamed the Peach Hut. The hotel is actually a resort, with tennis courts, pool, spa, and "sundry amenities." We're living the high life! (Although, I think that the Toronto Hotel was nicer, but that's just me)

Tomorrow is Disney!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can we go ride the train? Can we?

Day: 2
Date: 19/07/08
Event: To Toronto

We made it to the mainland! The little girls went from exclaiming over the size of the St. John's airport and begging to ride the elevator- to riding a monorail between terminals in Toronto and swimming in the pool, (which is part of the hotel (which is part of the airport)). I think they're having a good time.

We had breakfast in the St. John's hotel this morning, which for our family costs a whopping $100.00, and headed off to the airport. The lady at the check-in was rather surprised to see that among 12 people only 5 piece of luggage were checked, but what can I say? We're a special family. We also almost all managed to be carrying gels or liquids in our carry-ons, so we had to pull the convoy over and repack the lip balm, toothpaste, etc. But everyone made it through check-in and security without incident-

and then Gid dropped his boarding his pass down the heating vent. Hmmmmmm.... Thankfully Daddy worked his usual wonders in convincing people behind counters, and a new boarding pass was printed for him. *sigh of relief*

The actual flight was pleasantly uneventful. And far from being Delayed, we arrived 10 minutes early! We were flying Air Canada, so I was, understandably I think, skeptical of that happening. On the flight I watched Vantage Point, which was a very enjoyable movie. However, there was a large enough body count that I don't think I'd watch it at home. But it was good. I just especially liked the little news blurb at the end, which was entirely not what had happened. *glee* My devious soul was pleased within me.

Once we had landed the pilots of the plane allowed all the little ones, and even the big ones of our family to sit in the cockpit and pose for pictures. But that thrill was almost overshadowed by the sheer magnitude of Toronto Airport. Moving sidewalks! Massive Hallways! Escalators! Baggage carousals! And- the biggest thrill- a monorail train to our hotel. I think we were all thrilled with that train. And I want one for my own. It was all futuristic glass and private compartments, zipping over highways and parking garages. There wasn't even a driver, it was completely automated. *wistful sigh*

Right. Yes. *cough* So, we checked into the hotel, which is quite sumptuous, and scouted out the terminal next door. Was this just an excuse to ride the train? Um, yes. :P However, we did find a little food court which we then returned to, with Daddy and the money, for supper.

I am writing this by the side of the pool, as the official Adult which allows my non-adult siblings to swim. I was a spoilsport and didn't swim. :D Now the young ones are going up to bed, and PT, Fraulein and myself are going to ride the train again and check out the bustling Toronto night life. (We're going to the food court for Frozen Yogurt.)


"Why are the little Girls singing Hannah Montana? Just why?"

Day: 1
Date: 18/07/08
Event: To St.John's

Despite packing everything up at 10pm last night, I think I have everything. Mostly everything, that is. I have found that my camera's download cable is not present, but I'm sure that that the only absent item... *hopeful*

Anyhow, it turned out that Fraulein, Slonner and I did NOT go into St. John's with Daddy. Instead, we drove in with the rest of the family, in a limo! It's true! Since we can't all fit in a rental van, it is actually cheaper to ride in a a limo, as opposed to multiple rentals.. Also it is more fun than the bus. It was a stretch limo, white, with leather interior. Also with non-alcoholic wine and cola. We're all glamorous!

After the four-hour ride, we all stopped off at the Janeway. Remember, we're still in a 36 ft. white limo. After saying hi to the nurses and Gideon, whose transfusion was still running, we left for the hotel. However, Fraulein and I had other plans. We were going to the mall. The limo driver dropped us off at the food court. And yes, I have no shame. :D

Once inside, it was a little funny to crowd watch, since I was expecting the same diversity as Ottawa and that was not the case. The biggest outrageous dresser I saw was one girl all in black with a red scarf. Not quite the crazy scene I didn't realize I was expecting until it was absent.

So Courtney and I ate in the food court, tried on dresses, and followed it all up with the theater! I found one lovely dress that hit my feet, but it was 80 dollars, so I let it be. The movie we watched was wall-E, which was delightful. We had been hoping to catch Prince Caspian, but as it was no longer playing the latest Pixar flick was an excellent option B. It was charming. And then we lavishly took a taxi to the hotel, where I am now. And now it is 10:30 and time for me to go to bed.

*20 minutes later* Oh, and I almost forgot to write this down. Do you know how much it cost per ticket to get into the theater? Do you?


And that was only admission! By the time I, carefully not calculating how many hours I was spending, was also kitted out with a drink, an ice cream, and chocolate to share, I was 23 dollars out of pocket. Twenty Three! Humph. If you're the only theatre within four hour's drive, you can really gouge your customers, it seems. Anyhow, sleep. Yes. *waves*

What's done is done. All you have to worry about is the damage control.

We're back! *cue triumphant music* Moreover, we're back with all luggage in tow, all family members, and not even a major airline delay to show for the four Air Canada flights we braved. We must be special.

And now, an explanation for the post that "follow" this one. I was without computer access for most of the trip, which deficiency I assuaged by blogging on paper. Also known as keeping a journal. *grins* I shall now proceed to put the posts in digital form for your reading displeasure. (And yes, I am currently talking like this in real life as well. I can't seem to stop it. Sorry.)

Also, for future reference, my brother formerly know as Trapeziod has been renamed the Walrus.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cannot lead water downhill. Not recommended for Promotion.

We're off!

Tomorrow, that is. The mega-sized super-rush wish has come together, and we're heading into St. John's tomorrow. Mega-sized, that is, because there are 12 people participating, where 6 is a large group normally. They are only for family, and your average family, let's face it, is not going to overfill a mini-van. And Super-rush, (yes, I know, I am really excelling myself with the appellations today. I'm tired, get over it. :P), because it has taken less than two weeks to get the whole thing arranged and started. Usually families will know what they are doing months in advance. Us, not so much. We decided that we were going soon on last Monday. And from there it snowballed.

For example, we put in our passport applications on Monday, they printed them on Tuesday, and they were picked up on Wednesday. Usually it takes 6 to 8 weeks. Two days, vs. 6 weeks. *ponders*

We're going to be gone for ten days, with fully half of that travel. :P No, it is not Easy-Peasy to get to other places from where I live. Jumping on the daily flight to New York is not an option. Anyhow, I'm going to go in in the morning with Fraulein, Slonner, Gid and Daddy, as Gid needs a blood transfusion before he travels. He therefore needs to get into the Janeway in the morning, and us girls will have the run on St. John's for most of the day. We are desolated. Especially seeing as Wall-e and Prince Caspian are both possibly still playing in theaters, and St. John's has a theatre.

At this point I sense laughter mingled with skepticism from those people who are near theatres, but I shall point out that we are four hours drive away from any theatre. So the chance to see a movie six months before DVD is big. And yes, I also know that you can watch the movies online still as they are in theatres, but I also know watching them is illegal, and I am trying very hard to resist. :D

I'll see you in August!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

"How much do you want forgettin'?"

Overheard in the library;

"I thought you were dating him?"
"No, we aren't going out, we just randomly make out as often as

We have the dates! For the wish, we'll be leaving home on the 18 th, and returning home on the 28 th. Of July. When they (the powers-that-be) decided that we were going on the wish they didn't hang around! Mommy, Daddy and I are going into St. John's on Monday for our passports, since we're all adults. I know, it's a shock. My parents are adults. :P Anyhow, since we're fast-tracking the application process, rather a lot, we have to present our papers and photo id at the passport office in person. That should be fun! No, not the application process. If I remember it correctly from when I was 8 it's a tiny office in the top of a bank building, with superior people behind the wickets and vinyl seats. Though the seats have probably been changed since then. :D I remember official posters on the walls and a red take-a number dispenser, and there was a man tarring the neighboring roof. And it was a sunny day. Hmm, now that I've said all that, it will turn out that the day I remember was for our visa applications or something, and not passports at all. ANYWAY, the traveling with my parents should be fun, and going to Costco, which is also known as the warehouse containing joy.

I should take this opportunity, I think, to apologize to anyone who has been so- unfortunate- as to engage me in conversation in the past- two weeks or so. I mean, I was crazy before, but I'm exploring new frontiers of weirdness. I realized this week; I really have no intermediate setting between quiet in the corner and complete lunacy. I mean, on the scale of being comfortable in a situation, I go from;
  1. silent,
  2. to speaking when spoken to,
  3. to making occasional snarky comments without prompting,
  4. to communicating half in quotes, including entire so-called comedic monologues, and half in sarcasm.
While the progression is logical and gradual inside my head, from the outside it might be a little startling. And when I'm tired, the gap between 3 and 4 gets a little more stark, with 3 disappearing entirely sometimes. And I've been tired. :D Additionally, I similarly in friendship tend to jump from someone whose name I remember and will wave at in the street to I will drive 6 hours to pick you up when you're stranded, and I only stop there cause that's the ocean. So, it is just possible I inadvertently terrorize the people I talk to, if I consider them friends and am comfortable in their company. Therefore, open apology. :D

Thursday, July 10, 2008

That's the thing about living...

Several things of note have happened since I last posted. My brother PT was home for the weekend, which was lovely. We watched Stranger than Fiction, which I would watch again, and Nacho Libre, which I wouldn't. :D No, it wasn't that bad, just, not my cuppa tea. The American version of "humiliate the main character" humour is not something I find funny most of the time. I say American, because I find Fawlty Towers hilarious, and Chef (the first episodes), and that humour is not the gentle kind, I'm afraid. Anyhow, I also loved the special effect at the beginning of STF, where Harold's life is being narrated, and white explanatory symbols keep popping up while he does things. Hmmm, that was a stunningly bad description. If you've seen it, hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about.

So that was the weekend. Then on Sunday Mommy and Daddy and Gideon went to St. John's for Gideon's assessment. If the drug was working, they would continue treatment, and be back on Saturday. However, they came back on Monday evening. The drug wasn't working. It was the last treatment option. So as soon as they came through the front door, I knew what had happened. It's funny. This doesn't come as a surprise, but it still hits very hard. The world feels curiously unreal, so that I'm not quite sure how people and things will react this time. I suppose that is from the fact that some people do react differently to me, and also since death is such an incomprehensible thing. What was that quote? "Death is an insult to life. We rage against the cessation of existence." So when it is obviously inevitable, and previously known, the foundations which direct your actions are shaken ever so slightly.

My mind has been working constantly since Monday evening. It's as though I have about four levels of thought going on at any one time, and as soon as one is resolved I fall through into another one. Yes, if there was any doubt about how I react to emotion, it's rapidly disappearing. I analyze. Given that I'm also rather tired from work, I don't necessarily analyze very efficiently, but still I pull apart my reactions and look at them from new angles all day.

Its interesting. From my past experiences, some things which would really freak out other people I can view completely sanguine. For example, I can look at the spectre of living without hot water, or lights, or an oven, without undue distress. I mean, I would grumble, but still, I know it's perfectly doable. If my dad was to say tomorrow that we were moving across the country, or out of the county, next week, I would be excited and looking forward to the new place. This is probably due to the fact that I had my first cross-continental move at 6 weeks of age, and my first intercontinental move when I was two. By my family always came along. Even when I moved out on my own I knew what was happening at home to an extant.

But the death of a family member is something completely outside of my experience, and it's weird. You have to keep living, without them. WEIRD. The doctors say that we won't have him for Christmas. He won't see his fifth birthday. Not learn to read. Not have kids. Not be taller than me. Not... Oh my. But the Doctors have also said that they will give him the finest drugs out there, and it won't be painful for him. Not everyone is so lucky, I suppose. I do believe that God has this ordained. Gideon's cancer did not take place because God looked away for a moment, or Satan won the coin toss. It was planned, and Gideon has lived and will live the exact life that was laid out for him. And he has a happy life, despite the needles and procedures. He's a lovely cheerful boy, though I won't get to introduce him to my classmates, I guess. I'm rambling. :D no good to hover in that line of thought. Okay.

Anyhow, one of the things that has changed in the plans is that Gideon's Wish is taking place at the end of this month. He wants to ride Snot Rod, from cars, so we'll probably go to Disney World. The details are being finalised today, actually. I was voting for Disneyland, in the hope that I could meet up with Third World somewhere, (It's only a 13 hour drive. NOTHING! :D) but it appears that my devious plots will not come to fruition. I guess, since it's supposed to be family thing, I shouldn't go gallivanting off to meet my friends, but come on! It's THIRD WORLD! :D

Oh, one more thing before I go. As we'll be going out of country for the wish, we all have to have current passports. So we've been filling out forms madly, and on Tuesday we went into Gander to have out pictures taken. On the way out of town, my carload received a phone call from Daddy. The photographer at Wal-mart had just called, and we weren't allowed to wear white, black, or sleeveless shirts for our picture. (No one knows why...) This is where things started going pear shaped, since I was wearing a white shirt.

Once we get to Wal-mart, the photographer lady informs us that my shirt is indeed white, not cream, as I was hoping, and I would have to find another shirt. Cue me descending on the markdown racks. I grab five shirts whose colours I like, and dash off to the changing rooms. Of the five summer shirts, four were cut low enough, that, let's just say that they were showing skin that never sees the light of day. Just basic summer tops, too. Odd. But the fifth was decent, and it had some kind of strange ribbing on the shoulder and neck. I looked at it and thought it looks kind of deviantart-ish. Sea nymph webbing style. I'll take it! And yes, most of the clothing I own that I really like was chosen for its character inspiration qualities. For example, I am currently wearing my assassin shirt. :D But Fraulein said that it looks medieval, and nice, so fear not!

I buy the shirt, and arrive at the photographer, after quick-changing in the bathroom. I sit down on the stool, and the photographer starts to have a hard time getting the camera to work. She, with a grin, says that the camera just doesn't like me. I grin in response, and the picture is finally taken. On the way back in the car, Mommy and I realise that she spoke truth in more ways than one. That was a BAD picture. Incredibly bad. I mean, I never need fear that I will look worse that my passport photo. I could be totally hungover and I'll still look fresh and alert next to that picture. It takes bad to a whole new level. The nice new shirt is hardly visible, and every trick of the light works against me to open up a new realm of awful.

Oh, you say, it can't be that bad.

It can.

I look like a sleazy drug addict. Greasy stringy hair; check. Unsteady posture; check. Glazed eyes that don't quite line up; check. (I had to take off my glasses, and couldn't really see the camera.) Nasty molestache; check. Unnatural pallor; check. Bad skin; check. Shadows under the eyes; check.

This is not a good photo.

And I live with it for five years...

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