Monday, August 31, 2009


I have internet back.

A blog post must be written to celebrate this.

Tragically, I have nothing more to say. *cough* Ummmmm. It's my birthday next week! I hold out hopes for cake and coffee.

*tries to think* Speaking of coffee, I should get some more. GREAT IDEA, SNAZEL.

(And it seems like all my friends have friends or relatives in the hospital, which is weird.)

Yeah, I definitely need to practice blogging more often, I have no skills! No skills... *goes off to make coffee in a bit*


Sara J. Henry said...

I must admit I read this initially as internet back - as in, a physical ailment one gets from working too long on the internet.

But, er, congratulations - I think, if I'm now reading this right.

Snazel said...

No, I'm not suffering from any dehabilitating illness! I think. Yet. *cough*

My fabulous life in Microcosm! No really, it's called Twitter. Good train, you should get on.

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