Friday, December 7, 2007

Philosphy, headache and tea; the perfect combination

I'm writing my Philosophy essay.

I choose to compare and contrast the ethics of the New Testament, and Aristotle's Nicomacean Ethics.

My sanity is quite possibly in question at this point.

I'm glad I chose this question to write my essay on, as these are two books I was fascinated with when we studied them. But... I would chose the two biggest subjects to discuss. We spend THREE WEEKS on Aristotle, and two on the New Testament. Five weeks of lectures and 75 pages of reading, to distill into 3 pages of essay. The pain, the pain... And then there's the Philosophy exam itself. And I have three thousand-word essays to prepare for Art. And then there's Music class. I think I need more tea.

I thank God fervently at this point that the Latin exam was canceled.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Amen to the latin! i chose the same philo assignment, darling, so I can heartily empathize. It must have been our infinite wisdom that made us do that one, eh? ;) Don't worry, we only have three more days! Then we can breathe, and sleep, and all those other things we've been putting off.

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