Friday, December 14, 2007


I have definitely discovered something interesting about the way my mind works today. Moon Unit, Third World and I were all walking over to the Other Girls' House for a cookie decorating party, and while walking we played a word association game. One person says a word, the next person says a word which the former word makes them think of, the next person says a word which that word makes them think of, and you continue around and around in a circle. It's quite funny, but after twenty minutes or so, I started to notice a pattern in my responses. The others would hear a word, think of a word, and say it. I would hear a word, think of an image, and say a word which described that image. I kept saying colours, for example. So, I think in images first, and then translate them. Interesting! I have also realized, through IMing, that I have a remarkable tendency to scramble letters within words. Always cool to realize something of how you work, and here are two things to think over.

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